Advanced special topics course in metabolomics 2018
(GBSC 724)

Course Description

Course will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9-10:30 am in the SHELBY 1015


Date Lecturer Topic
Jan 8, Mon S. Barnes Transition from metabolism to metabolomics and targeted/untargeted approaches [PDF File]
Jan 10, Wed B. Korf The Undiagnosed Disease Network
[Reference-1] [Reference-2] [Reference-3] [Reference-4]
Jan 12, Fri S. Barnes The extraordinary chemistry of the metabolome [PDF File]
Jan 15, Mon   Martin Luther King Holiday
Jan 17, Wed H Tiwari Designing a complex metabolomics experiment - Cancelled
Jan 19, Fri S. Barnes/
J. Prasain
Extracting the metabolome (fluids, cells and tissues) [PDF File]
Jan 22, Mon C. Petit The platform - fundamentals in NMR and metabolomics [PDF File]
Jan 24, Wed S. Barnes The platform - GC- and LC-mass spectrometry [PDF File]
Jan 26, Fri S. Barnes Examining GC-/LC-MS data with MZmine 2.29
[PDF File 1] [Video] [PDF File 2]
Jan 29, Mon S. Barnes Uploading GC-MS and LC-MS data to XCMSonline
Jan 31, Wed D. Sharer Targeted metabolomics for congenital disease in children [Referece - Please use UAB VPN to download the file.] [PDF File]
Feb 2, Fri H Tiwari Designing a complex metabolomics experiment [PDF File]
Feb 5, Mon S. Barnes Output of XCMS features for univariate analysis [PDF File]
Feb 7, Wed S. Barnes Statistical analysis of XCMS data with MetaboAnalyst [PDF File]
Feb 9, Fri RTI Intl team Processing NMR data [PDF File] [CSV File 1 ] [CSV File 2] [CSV File 3]
Feb 12, Mon S. Barnes Pathway databases [PDF File]
Feb 14, Wed S. Barnes The metabolomics workbench [PDF File]
Feb 16, Fri S. Barnes MS-DIAL software for data analysis [PDF File]
Feb 19, Mon   Student presentations
Feb 21, Wed J. Prasain MSMS of small molecules - interpretation [PDF File]
Feb 23, Fri J. Prasain Validating metabolites [PDF File]
Feb 26, Mon S. Barnes Mummichog analysis of data [PDF File]
Feb 28, Wed S. Barnes Isotopically labeled precursors to identify metabolites [PDF File]
Mar 2, Fri S. Barnes Isotopes and pathway dynamics [PDF File]
Mar 5, Mon   Student presentations
Mar 7, Wed J. Prasain Advanced methods: SWATH-MS, Ion Mobility and LC-MS for lipidomics [PDF File]
Mar 9, Fri J. Prasain Lipid maps database [PDF File]
Mar 12, Mon J Kabarowski Lipid imaging-mass spectrometry
Mar14, Wed J. Prasain Novel prostanoid molecules [PDF File]
Mar16, Fri M. Stoll
C. Martin
Metabolomics in models of cardiovascular disease
Mar 19, Mon   Student presentations
Mar 21, Wed K. Uppal* Integrating the metabolome with the genome, transcriptome and proteome [Reference] [PDF File]
Mar 23, Fri S. Barnes In situ lipidomics in the surgical suite [PDF File]
Mar 26,Mon H. Wu The microbiome and metabolomics
Mar 28, Wed   Discussion about the final exam
Mar 30, Fri   FINAL exam due

* Dr. Uppal is from Emory University