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Recommended Process

  1. Pull the class proof found in BlazerNet.
    1. Go to the UAB Menu > Your UAB List
    2. Acknowledge FERPA if applicable.
    3. Select the Your Online Reports > Class Proof in the dropdown.
    4. Inside the form:
      1. Select S for Summary
      2. Select the department from the dropdown menu
      3. Click run.
      4. Download the results into excel.
    5. The class proof is your working document it is what was rolled forward from last year.
  2. How your edits are received should be discussed with your chair as each department collects their information differently.
  3. Update the sections in CLSS to match the changes you receive.
    1. Make sure you activate your offerings for the term.
    2. Update the existing sections per the edits received from the department.
    3. Add new sections when needed with the ‘green plus’ icon.
    4. Cancel sections that will no longer be in the offering mix. You may leave some on standby as well if you expect to need them in the future.
    5. Enter any departmental or shared classroom space where your department meetings will occur.
    6. Shared spaces revert to central space from the Room Assignment phase forward.
    7. Standard meeting patterns are available online:
      1. Fall/Spring
      2. Summer
  4. Validate your schedule & Submit to workflow.
    1. You may have errors to correct before submission is allowed.
      1. The error messages should give some indication as to what is wrong with the section.
      2. Yellow errors are warnings. Your schedule may move forward, but you will want to double check set up on something to be sure it is okay as entered.
      3. Red errors are stops where a change must be made to move forward.
      4. You may validate at any time to be sure your schedule is without errors. For large schedules you may wish to run it several times through your changes to correct as you go.
    2. Validation and submission deadlines are online: the class scheduling page has the deadlines.
  5. During the proof period:
    1. Pull a new class proof (instructions above).
    2. Check the edits and new sections submitted to be sure all changes migrated appropriately.
    3. Double check lab fees, tuition, registration restrictions and prerequisites.
    4. Make any additional adjustments to issues spotted in the proof period.
      1. The Room Assignment period will be a lock down on changes. This is when the Office of the Registrar assigns as many spaces as possible. See room assignment policies for details.
      2. Published Online means it has been made visible to students and advisors for planning.
      3. When the schedule opens for need based changes you may submit any additional adjustments to the schedule. These could be demand based, instructor changes or moving a class to departmental space.
    5. Once students begin to register the department will need to notify students when either meeting times change, schedule type change or cancellations. Please leave a note in the comments after students are notified so your request moves through workflow more quickly.

    For access to CLSS or Class proof please email classscheduling@uab.edu.

Fields & Options

  • Class Schedule Titles

    Only courses with a catalog title “Special Topics in X” or with a Variable Topic Course (VTC) catalog attribute are allowed to have a title different than that of their catalog title. This allows a specific title to appear in schedule and transcripts defining the topic for the term. The topic must be encompassed by the overarching catalog title to be compliant.

  • Level

    The level listed in the catalog is what students are eligible to enroll in this course. This filters down to each class schedule section. Anyone who should be allowed to register directly or register with an additional approval should be listed on the course in the catalog.

    • Undergraduate
    • Graduate
    • Graduate Non-Degree
    • Non-Credit
    • Undergraduate Certificate
  • Section Code

    UAB section codes have meeting times associated with each section code. Select the section code that matches your meeting time. If you are uncertain about the appropriate section code to use please contact classscheduling@uab.edu.

  • Grade Modes

    Courses may have multiple grade modes and undergraduate courses will have several. All students should be registering under the same grade mode. Whichever grade is determined to be default in the catalog will be used with the course unless it is overridden in the grade mode field in the class schedule. If a grade mode will never be used we recommend it is removed from the list of options. New Start, Remedial and Repeat Excluded are only added by the Registrar’s Office.

    • Non-Gradable: no grade awarded. Does not appear on transcript.
    • Remedial Math: only valid for remedial courses in the Department of Mathematics.
    • Repeat Excluded from GPA: administrative grade mode required to apply forgiveness policy.
    • Pass-Fail: a grade of pass will not apply to the GPA, but a failing grade applies to the students GPA.
    • Standard Letter: A, B, C, D, F for Undergraduates or A, B, C, F for Graduates. All apply to the GPA.
    • Pass-No Pass: These grades do not apply to the students GPA.
    • Audit: student does not receive a grade, but bears responsibility for regular tuition & fees. Requires instructor permission to be sent to registrar@uab.edu with the student & class section information.
    • Remedial English and ELC: not valid for Education.
    • New Start: Administrative grade mode required on undergrad class to apply New Start Policy for Undergraduates.
  • Registration Restrictions

    Registration restrictions require certain sets of students to be able to register without intervention and others to need an override. Every registration restriction added to a course in the catalog is an override that will need to be issued to allow a student to register if they do not meet all the listed requirements.

    The Registrar’s Office recommends you add restrictions sparingly and specifically to capture just the intended audience for the course. For example, restricting to both college/school captures the same student population as restricting to a major alone. Restricting by major would be one override where school and major would take two.

    Permission of instructor is a separate class schedule option only available in the class schedule. In CourseLeaf CLSS you will find this in the Consent field.

    Options for restrictions include:

    • Department
    • Field of Study (major, minor, concentration, or all)
    • Classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior)
    • Level (graduate, undergraduate, graduate non-degree)
    • Degree
    • Program Code
    • College/School
    • Student Attribute
    • Cohort

    Override tip: Whatever error message the student receives select the override from the menu that most closely matches the error message.

  • Schedule Type
    • Lecture: traditional in-person section meeting on campus.
    • Lab: lab section meeting in a laboratory space
    • Lecture/Lab: combined lecture and laboratory may meet in lab or classroom.
    • Capstone: approved capstone course. Capstones are also identified by course attribute.
    • Independent Study: Individualized instruction between instructor and student. Meeting times arranged at their convenience. Does not meet in classroom spaces.
    • Seminar: Small discussion based course.
    • Clinical: used by Nursing, Health Professions and professional schools for courses meeting in clinical spaces
    • Co-Op Work Program: Experiential learning with community employer. Often a placeholder with zero credit.
    • Intern/Practicum: Hands on training in the students field of study.
    • Studio Course: Art and Theatre used for their studio requirements. Meet in longer sections to complete the art or theatre project.
    • Clinic: School of Optometry Use Only
    • Medical School: Heersink School of Medicine Use only
    • Blended: Courses taught in person with 26-79% in asynchronous online learning.
    • Web Enhanced: Course taught in person with up to 25% in asynchronous online learning.
    • Online: Courses that have 80% or more asynchronous online learning components with no more than 20% in person. In Person dates must be specified in schedule and syllabus so students are aware of the meeting times at registration.
    • Activity Performance: Kinesiology Activity Classes Only
    Special Attributes:
    • EAS: Early Alert
    • EASV: Voluntary Early Alert Class
    • HONR: Honors Course*
    • LCAP: Capstone*
    • LFYE: Freshman Year Experience*
    • LRES: Undergraduate Research*
    • LSA :Education Abroad*
    • LSL: Service Learning*
    • VTC: Variable Topic Course, attribute that allows for changing titles in schedule for courses not specifically titled as Special Topic

    * requires approval or cooperation with another department to receive attribute.

Cross-Listed Courses

A cross-listed course is two or more separate courses that are joined together in the class schedule to share resources.

Types of Cross-Listings at UAB


  1. Two or more departments collaborate to develop course content that appeals to students pursuing programs of study in each discipline. Each department offers its own version of the same course.
  2. The level, section code, instructor(s), meeting time(s), meeting locations, credit hours, fees and delivery methods are the same between sections in the cross-listing.
  3. Course titles, syllabi, learning outcomes, prerequisites and course descriptions must be equivalent.
  4. Must be set as course equivalents in the course management for the catalog to prevent duplication of credit.
  5. Example of discipline cross-listing: BY 647 and MPA 695


  1. Courses taught in the same discipline with similar content taught at multiple course number levels indicated by the in the course numbering system.
  2. The subject code, section code, instructor(s), meeting time(s), meeting locations, credit hours and delivery methods are the same between sections in the cross-listing.
  3. The syllabi, learning outcomes should be different between section offerings in the cross-listing demonstrating the increased requirements appropriate to the increased number level.
  4. Developmental courses may not be cross-listed except with other developmental courses. Ex. 300 level and 600 level or 400 level and 700 level.
  5. Courses that span more than three levels are discouraged.
    Course Numbers:
    000-099 - Developmental Courses
    100-199 - Freshman Level
    200-299 - Sophomore Level
    300-399 - Junior Level
    400-499 - Senior Level
    500-599 - Graduate Level
    600-699 - Graduate Level
    700-799 - Graduate Level
  6. Example of level cross-listing: EH 462 and EH 562


  1. Courses taught in the same discipline with equivalent content taught at an honors level and non-honors level. Indicated by honors notation in schedule title and in some cases course number and subject codes.
  2. The section code, instructor(s), meeting time(s), meeting locations, credit hours and delivery methods are the same between sections in the cross-listing.
  3. The syllabi, learning outcomes should be different between honors and non-honors sections demonstrating the increased requirements appropriate to honors coursework.
  4. Courses that are equivalent to non-honors numbers should be equivalent in the course management system to prevent duplication of credit.

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