Linda Gunter

Linda Gunter

(205) 975-5533

Updates on the search process will be posted as they become available.

President Ray Watts will deliver the opening remarks for presentation.

Executive director Brian Atkinson is working to reassess the post-pandemic demand for parking and modernize campus transportation services.

The UA System Board of Trustees elevated three former faculty to emeritus status during its Feb. 3 meeting. Those honored were Pamela S. Murray, Stephen James O’Connor and George Howard.

The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees voted to appoint one chair and three professors to endowed positions during its Feb. 3 meeting. Those honored are Jeffery Walker, Lewis Shi, Farah Lubin and Brant Wagener.

Share your thoughts on work and life at UAB and identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in an anonymous, online survey Feb.6-20.

Michelle Horvath, J.D., will help provide a safe place for the UAB community to navigate policies, issues, concerns and conflicts in a safe, unbiased environment.

Training and other resources can help protect against campus violence and prepare students and employees for an active-shooter event.

The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees also voted to accept endowments for four chairs, a professorship and a lecture.

Those honored for long-standing and distinguished service include Dean George Assimos, Peter Bellis, Joseph Van Matre, Harry William Schroeder Jr., Dean Sicking, Alexander Szalai and Sergey Vyazovkin.

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