February 11, 2015

UAB Medicine to launch secure texting app

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cell phone 3On Feb. 24, UAB Medicine will release the Vocera Collaboration Suite (VCS), an application that allows smartphone users to exchange text messages.

Unlike SMS (Short Message Service), VCS communication between devices is completely secure, a requirement for transmission of protected health information and other sensitive data. Devices also will be protected by the UAB Health System’s Mobile Device Management software, MaaS360, which enables security features such as encryption and enforcement of a five-digit passcode requirement.

At the same time, HSIS will introduce Amcom Smart Web, a Web page that permits computer users to send messages to VCS-equipped smartphones and radio pagers simultaneously. An upcoming upgrade to Amcom will let users choose which device to target.

More information on VCS, Smart Web and the Mobile Healthcare Initiative is on ONE.