May 07, 2015

Fundraiser asks UAB community to invest in its ‘littlest members’

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CDCUAB Child Development Center is hoping to fund the purchase of updated learning tools by appealing to the public to invest in its Tech for Kids! fundraising drive at

UAB’s CDC, which serves children of university faculty and staff, is committed to the highest standards of professional practice and accredited by National Association for the Education of Young Children. The center is working to improve access to the technology that has become as important to early childhood education as socialization, developing gross motor skills and the ability to read and write, says CDC Director Randy East.

“Our children have to be prepared to use technology and experience technology in this world. It’s a different generation," East said. “So we have to have the equipment and the ability to prepare them.”

The drive is to raise $5,000 to purchase a tablet for each classroom and other items by the project end date June 5. The good news is the center is halfway there with 30 days to go.

“It’s a very important aspect of child development in this new era, and it’s a part of our accredited experience that we want these children to partake in,” East says in the video produced for this project.

“We hope the UAB community will support and contribute to this project for its littlest members,” East said, “by donating and also sharing the links to the site through email and social media.”