May 18, 2015

Wellness has new rewards for employees

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UAB Employee Wellness is excited to roll out its new My Health Rewards program for all benefit-eligible UAB employees — a program to encourage healthy behaviors.

This self-reporting system enables employees to earn points and be entered into a sweepstakes when they participate in activities such as exercise, preventive screenings, fitness events and online wellness education.

The more activities completed, the more points are earned.

Participants could win $150 and $300 gift cards in quarterly drawings or even a $1,000 gift card in the annual drawing.

Take these three steps to begin earning points:

Step 1: Activate your account. Visit to activate an account and view the activities that earn points.

Step 2: Participate in healthy activities. Choose from the activities, according to your interests and abilities, and participate.

Step 3: Earn points to be entered into sweepstakes drawings. Earn points when you complete an activity. More activities lead to more points and higher achievement levels. Each higher level qualifies you for a prize of greater value.

Learn more about My Health Rewards from UAB Employee Wellness online.