June 07, 2022

Amputees needed for a study on the use of diet for chronic pain - PARADE Study

We are looking for male or female adults (18-65) who have had an amputation at least 6 months ago. This study is designed in two Phases to assess the needs of the local amputee population and to determine the potential of a diet to reduce pain and increase quality of life in amputees. In Phase 1, eligible participants will be asked to complete a small packet of questionnaires examining quality of life and diet. In Phase 2, eligible participants with pain for at least 6 months will complete a week of baseline diet and pain data collection before being placed on a 6-week low-carbohydrate diet. During the diet intervention, daily food will be provided and participants will return for testing at 3 and 6 weeks. Participants will receive up to $50 for completing Phase 1 and $150 for completing Phase 2 of the study. You may not be eligible to participate if you have significant health problems, or are taking certain medications. Please contact parade.study@gmail.com or call 205-234-1201. Leave a short message with your name, number, and mention that you are interested in the PARADE study.