At UAB, Alicia Booker helps unpack the meaning in struggle and defuse tension.

Published in Be Healthy

The JobArchitect platform will provide improved security, search functions and responsiveness.

Published in Tools & Technology

OKR and CLEAR are two goal-setting methods that may be better suited for work on teams or groups.

Published in Tools & Technology

President Watts and other senior leaders responded to queries on the hiring freeze, student mental health, working from home in 2021 and more.

Published in Take Note

Hear from three managers who practiced coaching skills with small groups of peers from across campus this spring, then register for your own Circle starting this month.

Published in Learning & Development

Nominations are being accepted for one of two new awards that will debut in 2021.

Published in Awards & Honors

Questions employees submitted during the virtual town hall Sept. 11 that could not be addressed due to time constraints are answered here; find responses from leaders on employee recognition, office safety and more.

Published in Take Note

UAB leaders discussed data and reactions from the first weeks of fall semester and answered questions on mask compliance, work restrictions, benefits changes and more.

Published in Take Note

Advice on mental and emotional well-being from UAB leadership and professional development expert Michael Wiederman, Ph.D.

Published in Learning & Development

Employees submitted more than 160 questions and comments during the virtual town hall Aug. 14; find answers to questions that couldn’t be answered live due to time constraints, including explanations of benefits, mask compliance, remote working expectations and more.

Published in Take Note

UAB leaders discussed data behind the university’s comprehensive reopening plan and answered questions on mask distribution, childcare options, benefits changes and more.

Published in Take Note

Faculty submitted more than 100 questions during the virtual town hall Aug. 7; find answers to questions that couldn’t be answered live due to time constraints, including caregiving plans, classroom procedures, testing and more.

Published in Take Note

UAB leaders discussed scheduling for fall courses and caregiving considerations, demonstrated teaching technology and explained how they are continually monitoring data from the community and campus as part of reopening plans.

Published in Take Note

Employees submitted nearly 200 questions during the virtual town hall July 13; find answers to questions on testing, PPE, benefits, hiring freezes and more.

Published in Take Note

Staff in all campus schools and units will use a standard process and timeframe for annual performance reviews this year; reviews must be completed by Oct. 31.

Published in Benefits & Policies

UAB leaders shared plans and updates on re-entry, furloughs, expense-reduction strategies and more in a virtual town hall for employees July 13.

Published in Take Note

Do we need to wear masks? (Yes.) When will I know which phase I’m in? What is UAB Healthcheck? Read answers to these and other questions posed during the May 22 re-entry town hall along with more than 70 other questions that couldn’t be answered live due to time constraints.

Published in Take Note

Four UAB leaders shared how they guided their teams through crisis in a lively seminar.

Published in Learning & Development

Staff and faculty submitted nearly 300 questions and comments during the virtual town hall May 7; find answers to questions on furloughs, how to help and more in this article.

Published in Take Note

In a virtual town hall meeting, President Ray Watts and other university leaders shared their pride in how UAB faculty and staff have responded to COVID-19, offered frank answers on re-opening campus, budget shortfalls and other topics of common concern, and shared practical guidance on how every member of the UAB community can play a part in moving forward.

Published in Take Note

A community forum for leaders and insight for managing emotions and relationships are among the offerings in April.

Published in Learning & Development

UAB podcasts can help you stay safe online, sharpen your skills and connect with fellow Blazers.

Published in Tools & Technology

All campus staff will use the same process and timeframe for annual reviews beginning in July. Learn how ratings, criteria and more were shaped by hundreds of employees in a 2019 pilot.

Published in Benefits & Policies

Be proactive to get the most from your performance review.

Published in Benefits & Policies

What steps do you want to take in your career? New Taking Charge of Your Career sessions can help clarify your professional objectives.

Published in Learning & Development
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