November 2014 - The Reporter
The deadline for submissions for the seventh annual UAB Expo has been extended to March 21. The event, open to all undergraduates, showcases the research and creative scholarly work produced by students in UAB programs ranging from science and technology to art and filmmaking.
Published in Research & Scholarship
UAB Pastoral Care hosts several groups each month for cancer patients and family members who want to share with those on a similar journey. They meet the first and third Tuesdays and the first Wednesday of the month/ Direct questions to Chaplain Kelsey Blankenship at or 801-7050.
Published in Patient Care
In the six years since its creation, the center has parlayed an initial investment of $140,000 from the UAB School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Southern Research Institute into nearly $10 million in extramural research funding, which has helped recruit new faculty and produce new knowledge in treating lung injury.
Published in Research & Scholarship

Students for the UAB School of Medicine will take the stage Feb. 28 at the Alabama Theatre for The Best Medicine Show. The annual philanthropic event showcases students' creative sides with short digital films, music an dance. Proceeds from the event go to Equal Access Birmingham, a student-run program that operates a free primary care clinic for underserved people in the Birmingham area. Visit to purchase tickets or find more information.

Published in Events

HealthSouth corporate recruiters and faculty with various UAB programs met recently to discuss recruiting needs and explore ways to promote teamwork, creative thinking and career success for UAB students. This is a new approach for UAB Career & Professional Development, which traditionally had been viewed as a place to get your resume critiqued or to look at jobs posted online.

Published in Learning & Development
Professor Michael Saag, M.D., and colleagues created, to ensure recommendations can be updated as soon as new data emerge and new therapies are approved. Hepatitis C virus is the leading cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Published in Patient Care

Called a wonderful leader and an outstanding motivator by her co-workers, LaKisha Mack exemplifies what it means to be UAB employee. Mack, operation manager in the Department of Medicine, has been named January's Employee of the Month.

Published in Awards & Honors
An entire cyber-crime economy has emerged, which is constantly improving its tactics and becoming more effective and efficient. The first step in protecting yourself is to understand you are a target. Read more in IT's February newsletter.
Published in Tools & Technology
Experimental tools for determining how, when and why particular tissue or organ molecules act in the body were not sophisticated enough to determine exactly where they are produced or where they accumulate to function. Until now. The UAB-created matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry, or MALDI-IMS, has implications in critical research initiatives for many diseases, including cancer, chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases and age-related degenerative diseases.
Published in Research & Scholarship

UAB became a haven for faculty, staff, students and strangers who couldn't make it home after unexpected snow quickly turned to ice Tuesday, making safe travel near impossible. Here are some heartfelt messages of thanks to those who offered help and shelter during the storm.

Published in Behind the Scenes
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