November 2014 - The Reporter

This week, UAB HR Benefits begins rolling out information about Open Enrollment for to provide benefit-eligible employees time to review upcoming changes and make informed decisions for themselves and their families.

Published in Benefits & Policies

Try free lunch from Newks, coffee from Dunkin Donuts and a little Zumba to get started.

Published in Be Healthy

What are the legal and ethical issues leaders must consider when examining allegations of sexual misconduct?

Published in Campus Safety

Interactions with elected representatives involve both legal and ethical considerations.

Published in Take Note

The Department of Chemistry was established in 1966 as one of the original academic units in the College of General Studies; now, UAB’s its labs are a part of the 1,200 labs on campus overseen by principal investigators.

Published in Retro'spectives

UAB Safe streamBig things come from UAB research — but great work can take place in labs only if researchers partner with UAB’s Department of Occupational Health and Safety to stay safe and adhere to safety best practices.

Published in Employee Safety

Philosophy’s Brynn Welch turned a real-life experience, the adoption of son Ben, into practical change — first through scholarly research, then a children’s book and now the classroom.

Published in Achievements

UAB's Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) is a 12-hour course, taught during three, four-hour sessions; the next class is Sept. 17-19.

Published in Campus Safety

Two Mondays, Dec. 24 and Dec. 31, will be designated as paid holidays to enable employees additional time to spend with their families and friends.

Published in Benefits & Policies

10th Avenue South will become a two-lane road, and at each intersection and various driveways, green lanes with white symbols will help alert drivers to the presence of cyclists.

Published in Campus News
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