November 2014 - The Reporter
The primary investigators are examining whether age- and race-related differences in the biomechanics of the optic nerve head may contribute to this risk.
Published in Extramural Awards
UAB launches Malcovery; new company detects cyber threats, neutralizes attacks, minimizes losses for groups in danger of malware attackers.
Published in Economic Development
A graphic design student has made her schoolwork “work” for her, as she graduates and starts her own small business with good taste and big dreams.
Published in Arts & Recreation
The Diabetes Research Center (DRC) focuses on developing new methods to treat, prevent and ultimately cure diabetes and its complications.
Published in Extramural Awards
UAB class designed to produce marketable solutions now; engineering and business students collaborate to commercialize product creations.
Published in Economic Development
Former astronaut described as an “exemplary advocate” for science education and a source of inspiration for students of all ages
Published in Awards & Honors

Annual award honors teachers in each school, the College of Arts & Sciences and the Joint Health Sciences departments

Published in Awards & Honors
Brand, Web and Social Media tool kits provide standards and guidelines, downloads and forms, marketing resources and other support
Published in Take Note
In current work environment, the skills needed to master the multifaceted demands of today’s employers go beyond a degree
Published in Learning & Development

Thirty-four percent of UAB employees donated $1.82 million in 2012, and this year’s goal is $1.85 million

Published in Get Involved
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