November 2014 - The Reporter
Meet the students and staff helping Alabamians across the state stay safe and learn the truth about COVID vaccines, one call at a time.
Published in Behind the Scenes

Each year, UAB’s official photographers capture thousands of images as they document the incredible variety of events and personalities that make up our community. Here are some of our favorite photos from the past 12 months. 

Published in Go Blazers!
More than 100 different UAB researchers have been first authors on papers based on the REGARDS study thanks to its innovative design — and a uniquely “friendly and welcoming team.”

Laura Calvert, a senior majoring in biomedical sciences, found that embroidering illustrations of plant structures, the glycolysis process and the human digestive system helped her to better grasp the subject matter — all while creating art along the way.

Published in Teaching & Learning

Jake Chen, Ph.D., associate director of the Informatics Institute, is the first ACM member in Alabama to be honored as a Distinguished Member in this category.

Published in Achievements
Healthy women needed for a research study. You may be eligible to participate in a research study: If you are female between age of 18-45, If you a healthy and still having a regular menstrual cycle, And, if you are willing to undergo an endometrial biopsy procedure. Participants will be compensated total of $200. Only requires 2 visits. For information, call us at 205-934-5498 or email Stephanie Clevenger at
Published in Clinical Trials
Are you 18 years old or older? Have you drank alcohol in the past year? Researchers in the UAB School of Medicine are recruiting individuals 18 years and older who have drank alcohol in the past year. The study involves completing a brief online screening questionnaire to determine your eligibility. If you are eligible, you will complete a second set of questionnaires that lasts 90 minutes for which will receive $30. For more information about our study, email us at
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to take part in this study if you have previously had a heart attack (myocardial infarction) or brain attack (stroke) or have been diagnosed with poor circulation. If you have reduced kidney function or if you have inflammation in your blood vessels ? The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Nutrition Sciences, is conducting a 4 year research study to look if an investigational medicine ,called ‘ziltivekimab’ can be used to treat people with cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and inflammation. Qualified participants will receive study drug at no cost and may be compensated for time and travel. For more information, and to see if you might be eligible to join, contact (205) 996-4015 or email at
Published in Clinical Trials

Eight years into his tenure as president of UAB, Ray Watts is honored by the Birmingham Business Journal for his leadership during unprecedented times.

Published in Awards & Honors

New courses in Precision Medicine and Entrepreneurship in Medicine from leading BME faculty will debut in spring 2022 semester.

Published in Programs & Curricula
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