November 26, 2008

Clinical trials - Nov. 26, 2008

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Healthy girls 10-17 years old needed for a research study of an investigational herpes vaccine. If you have never had herpes (fever blisters or genital herpes), you may qualify. Compensated. 939-5279/939-5271.

Teens ages 13-17 with schizophrenia: if your child has been diagnosed with or is having symptoms of schizophrenia, they may be eligible for a study evaluating an investigational drug for schizophrenia. Your information is confident, and study participants may be eligible to continue in the study for up to 6 months. Evaluation, treatment at no cost. Compensation. Rakesha 4-9189.

Overweight African-American girls age 9-14 needed for diabetes and weight loss study. Receive information on body composition, cholesterol, blood sugar and potential risk for diabetes. Compensated up to $225 and all food given for 16 weeks. Michelle 5-9678/

Children and their mothers required for a study of the effects of the prenatal environment on children's obesity and diabetes risk.  Children must be Caucasian or African American, healthy, and 5 to 8 years old. This study involves 2 visits for testing of the child, and the mother's medical records from the pregnancy with that child must be obtainable. Both mother and child will be compensated. Nikki or Paula at the HOPE study, 4-0809.

Males ages 7 to 10 and their parent/caregiver wanted for a single 1.5-2 hour laboratory study of children's pedestrian safety. No stress, danger, or invasive procedures. Paid $20 cash plus children receive a toy. 4-4068/



Are you a postmenopausal woman at increased risk for breast cancer? You may be eligible for a breast cancer prevention study. Jena Faust 5-1980.

Women with interstitial cystitis needed for research study. If you are aged 19-45 and have regular menstrual cycles you may be eligible. You will be asked to record symptoms related to IC for 4 months. Compensated. 4-7703/

Women needed for vaginal bacteria study. If you are having no signs or symptoms of vaginal infections or yeast infection, you may be eligible to participate in a research study of normal vaginal flora. Two visits. Compensated. Joy 996-2780.

Do you a female age 19 or older with chronic chest discomfort, cardiovascular disease? If so, you could be eligible to join a UAB research study that will provide a medication for angina (chest discomfort). To enroll in this study, you need to have chest discomfort two or more times a week. 5-8088/5-0605/

Are you an African American female undergraduate or graduate student?
You may be eligible to participate in a walking study. Compensated. Michael Harris 939-5277.

Are you an overweight (BMI > 30) woman 19-50?  If so, you may be eligible for a brain imaging (MRI) study of decision-making. Compensated $10-$50 (average of $35) for the lab session and $20-$100 (average of $70) for the MRI session. Call 934-8586 and ask about the brain imaging study of decision-making.

Overactive bladder? If you are a woman age 40 older you may be eligible for a study comparing two approved medications for the treatment of urinary urgency, frequency, nighttime urination or urine leakage. Medication provided at no cost. Compensation. 4-1776.

Are you a woman age 60 or older? You may be eligible to participate in a breast cancer prevention study. Eila Maddox 5-1980.

Women with multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury ages 19-60 needed to participate in a study to educate women with spinal cord dysfunction and multiple sclerosis about their sexual potential and to aid researchers in developing new treatment approaches to improve sexual response. Must have normal periods, not be pregnant, have normal hand function and have ability to feel some sensation from lower abdomen to upper thigh region. Compensated $300. Dr Sipski Alexander 4-2022/866-706-5545.

Postmenopausal women age 45 and up with chronic back pain (greater than 2 months) related to a fracture and have osteoporosis needed for an 18-month study on the reduction of back pain. FDA approved drugs with no placebo. Clinic visits and treatment at no cost. Compensation. Jo Ann 4-1976/888-534-0367.

Are you presently experiencing vaginal itching, burning, and/or discharge?  You may have a common condition known as a yeast infection.  You may also be eligible for a research study being conducted of an investigational medicine for yeast infections. Free medication. Compensation up to $100. 996-2780.

Women age 60 and older wanted to exercise. Caucasian and African-American women over the age of 60 needed to participate in an exercise study being conducted by the UAB departments of Human Studies and Nutrition Sciences. This is a 32-week study that requires (3) two-night admissions at UAB hospital. If you are diabetic, have heart problems or smoke you will not qualify. Participants will be enrolled in an exercise program consisting of weight training and treadmill walking. Compensated up to $225. Paul the SWEET (Senior Woman Enjoying Exercise Together) study, 5-0666.

Women age 19-45 recently diagnosed (within 5 yrs) with Type 2 diabetes needed for a study to evaluate insulin resistance.  Participants receive a brief medical exam and a series of tests.  An overnight stay at UAB may be req.  Compensated.  5-2422.

Are you a woman living with HIV who has a child age 5-11? Do you have an interest in learning how to reduce the stress in your life?  If you said "yes" to both questions, call Loretta, 1-866-996-MOMS.

Healthy women age 65 & older needed for study of estrogen replacement therapy to prevent Alzheimer's disease in those w/first degree relatives with memory loss. If you have someone in your family with memory loss and you are not currently taking estrogen replacement therapy, you may qualify. Penny 4-1668.

Do you experience vaginal discharge/odor? If so, you may have BV. Female volunteers ages 19-45 needed to participate in a 3-month research study for a new treatment medication for BV. Compensated up to $250.  996-2780.



Are you a male veteran? Do you get up at least two times each night to urinate? If so, you may be eligible for a study comparing two treatments for nocturia (nighttime urination). Study medications without cost + compensation. 4-3259/866-406-6131.

Volunteers needed for nutrition and weight-loss study. Participants age 21-50, 10-50 lbs overweight, non-diabetic, non-smokers and not on blood pressure meds needed. Involves 2 overnight stays and 17 wks of food. Compensation. 5-5664.

Healthy male participants age 16-35 needed for brain imaging (fMRI) study of cognitive function. You will read a series of sentences or view a set of images in the scanner and respond to simple questions by pushing a button. Study will take 2-3 hours total (1 hour in scanner). Compensated $50. Dr. Rajesh Kana 996-9368.



Men & women

Do you or someone you know have cystic fibrosis?  The UAB Center for Nursing Research has developed a Web site that addresses the pain experienced by patients with CF. Visit the site for information regarding CF and also take part in a new on-line research study. Patrick 4-7597.

Bone augmentation & implant study for UAB Dept of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Those interested in implants who are missing 2 or more teeth may qualify. Must be healthy and at least 21 yrs old. Study involved bone grafting. 4-3669.

High cholesterol? Men & women age 19 or older with high LDL cholesterol who are currently taking medication to lower cholesterol may qualify for a research study of an investigational cholesterol-lowering medication. Study drug, physical exam, and lab tests at no cost. 4-9502.

Healthy Hispanic/Latino men and women needed for immune system study.  Involves giving blood sample only. Compensated. 5-0425.

Are you currently taking at least 3 medications for your high blood pressure and still have blood pressure reading greater than 160? Eligible participants may qualify for an implantable device to treat blood pressure that cannot be controlled. Qualifying participant will receive implantation of treatment device, office visits, exams and study-related procedures at no cost. Nancy 4-7279.

Are you a veteran receiving care at the Birmingham VA Medical Center?  If so, you may qualify to participate in a metabolic research study. Receive a physical exam, laboratory testing and metabolic testing at no charge. Compensation. The study involves a 2-3 day and night stay in the hospital. We are recruiting both healthy volunteers and those with Type 2 diabetes. Sandra 996-2689/Dana 996-4015.

Healthy adults age 19-95 with 12 years of education or less needed to participate in a study on medical decision-making abilities. Pencil and paper testing, 3 visits over the course of 1 year. Compensation $300. Christi 996-9366.

Do you have atopic dermatitis? Atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition resulting in dry, flaky skin that appears over red, inflamed areas, causing intense itching and burning? Participants age 19 and older who are not pregnant or breastfeeding are needed. Office visits, exams and study-related procedures at no cost. Laura 502-9967.

Do you have adult ADHD and insomnia? Are you age 19-65 and not taking medication for insomnia? You may be eligible to participate in a research study. Compensated. Rakesha 4-9189.

Bone grafting & dental implants study seeks volunteers. UAB School of Dentistry is recruiting participants for a study to evaluate healing of tooth extraction sites with or without bone grafts and restoration of the treated area with dental implants. Must be generally healthy, age 19 & older, have not had cancer, are not pregnant/planning a pregnancy or nursing a baby and have a least one tooth that needs to be extracted. Must be able to understand written English without help. 4-1503.

Do you have toenail fungus? You qualify for a research study at the UAB Dept of Dermatology and receive investigational medication and study visits at no cost. Compensation. Laura 502-9967.

Healthy-weight (body mass index (BMI) of 18.5-24.9) participants ages 30-60 wanted for brain imaging (MRI) study. First session (40-45 min) will be done in lab. Second and third sessions, separated by 12 weeks, will be brain-imaging sessions (60 mins. in magnet, maximum 2.5 hrs.). You will be compensated $15 for the lab session and $75 for each of the brain imaging sessions. Rosalyn Weller 4-8586.

Do you have epilepsy? Have you experienced transportation problems? Call 800-950-6662 to participate in a study about transportation impacts on people with epilepsy.

Do you have scaly patches on your face or scalp? You might qualify for a research trials conducted by the UAB Dept of Dermatology. Receive study medication and visits at no cost. Compensation. Laura 502-9967.

Do you have coronary artery disease? Are you age 45-80? Have you had a heart attack or coronary artery blockage? You may qualify to participate in an international 31-week research study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of an investigational drug for patients with coronary artery disease. Eligible study participants will receive study medication, blood pressure checks, physical exams, laboratory tests and ECG at no cost. Compensation. 4-9281.

Stroke patients. An ongoing study seeks stroke patients who are at least 6 months post-stroke & who have regained at least some movement in the arm affected by the stroke. You may be eligible for outpatient treatment at no cost to improve the use of the arm affected by the stroke. No medication involved. Adriana Delgado 4-9768/

Healthy men & women 55 & older in good physical health & diagnosed with mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease needed to study the disease progression. Participants visit once a year for pencil & paper memory testing & a neurological exam. Comp $65/ea visit. 4-1668.

Asthma study. Participants needed for research study. Receive lung function test at no cost. Compensated. 4-5555/6-6600.

Caregiver study. Caregivers of adults with TBI and/or caregivers of women with disabilities wanted for research on problem-solving. Compensation. Confidential. Dr. Rivera 800-405-2640.

Smokers & ex-smokers age 40 or older needed. You may have a disease called Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease or COPD. Call to see if you qualify to participate. Receive a lung function test at no cost. Compensated. 4-5555/6-6600.

Healthy Caucasian American and African American individuals needed for immune system study. Involves giving blood sample only. Compensated. 5-0425.

People with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease needed: if you have been diagnosed with either of these, you may qualify to participate in a clinical trial conducted at UAB to help treat these conditions. 1-877-IBD-DOCS.

Do you have borderline diabetes? If you have type-2 diabetes and are not taking diabetes medication or you have pre-diabetes you may qualify for a research study using an investigational drug.  Diabetes screening, supplies, study drug, and reimbursement for time and travel are provided. Dana 6-4015.

Right-handed healthy volunteers and persons with a diagnosis of either schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder age 19-65 needed for a research study to map brain activity while performing decision-making tasks. Study procedures include a clinical interview, computerized test of memory and decision-making, brief vision and handedness evaluation, blood draw (not required for study participation) and MRI/MRS scan. Compensation. 996-9813.

Adults ages 19 to 64 with insomnia are needed to participate in a research study of an investigational new drug for insomnia. Participants will receive study-related exams and study medication. Compensated. 8 office visits required. 599-1020 Ext. 122/

Healthy adults aged 60-75 needed for a strength exercise training study to improve muscle function and mobility.  Subjects will exercise 2-3 days/week for 37 weeks and undergo assessments for strength, balance, fatigue, and bone density; blood and muscle analyses; and diet analysis. 4-6241/

Do you have high blood pressure? Are you age 30-65 and on no more than 2 blood pressure medications? Eligible participants will receive study medications, blood pressure checks, physical exams, laboratory tests, ABPM and ECG at no cost. Compensation. 4-9281.

Risky behavior study: seeking participants age 25 and under who have engaged in or abstained from any of the following: fighting, lack of seatbelt use, fasting/excessive dieting, alcohol or marijuana use. You may be eligible for The UAB BEAR LAB study on risky behaviors. Subjects compensated $100 to $130. Lanette 5-0545.

Do you need dental fillings? A 24-month research study is being conducted at the UAB School of Dentistry to determine the effectiveness of investigational tooth-colored dental filling materials. Subjects needing fillings in the back teeth are likely candidates. The fillings are free and a monetary incentive is offered at follow-up visits. 996-5747.

Men (50 & older) and women (60 & older) with no history of heart disease or stroke may qualify for a research study of people at risk for heart attack or stroke.  If you have any of the following: high blood pressure, cholesterol problems - high "bad" cholesterol and/or low "good" cholesterol, a blood relative who had a heart attack before age 60, or smoked cigarettes in the last 12 months. 4-9502.

Is your blood pressure uncontrolled (higher than 140/90)? Are you on three or more blood pressure medications including a diuretic? You may qualify to participate in a national 14-week research study to determine the safety and effectiveness of a new investigational medication in the treatment of severe hypertension. Eligible study participants will receive study medication, blood pressure checks, physical exams, laboratory tests and ECG at no cost. Compensation. 4-9281.

Do you have diabetes? The Division of Endocrinology is conducting research studies in treatments for diabetes and diabetic complications such as neuropathy, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Must be age 19 or older and in reasonably good health with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. All study related care is provided at no charge including. Compensated. 4-4112.

Volunteers age 19-60 who are 6 months-3 yrs post SCI are needed for a research study to determine the relationship between neurologic exam and bladder function. Reimbursed $200. Jim 4-2088/

African-American men/women ages 55-90 are needed for a memory-loss study.  If you are in good physical health and have been having memory problems, or if you have mild Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease with memory loss you may qualify. One visit a year involving pencil and paper memory testing and a neurological exam. Compensated $50/visit. 4-3847.

Care Teams for HIV:  If you are HIV+ and are currently participating in a Care Team you are eligible to participate. The study looks at the effects of being in a Care Team for the participant and volunteers. Compensated $80 for 4 sessions. Dr. Burrage 4-0630.

Recruiting adult men and women for dental implant trial. Must have no lower teeth. Services provided at reduced fees. Call UAB Dental Research 410-7306.

African-American males and females age 45 and older, UAB and the American Heart Association need your help with an important bacterial study (H. Pylori Bacterium).  This bacterium may cause ulcers, gastritis, gastric cancer, and heart disease, and you may not have any symptoms.  You may be able to participate if you have no history of cancer, heart disease, alcohol or drug abuse, and are a non-smoker for 5 or more years. Compensation up to $250. 5-7238 ext 3.

Have you recently stopped problem-drinking?  We want to interview anyone who has recently stopped drinking in a problem manner without treatment.  You could provide valuable information that may help design future alcohol treatment programs. This study is not a treatment program. Confidentiality. Compensation. 4-6082/1-800-815-6200/

No-cost insomnia treatment for people dependent on sleeping pills. Needed: people age 21-65 who frequently take prescription medication to sleep, but who continue to have difficulty sleeping. A thorough sleep evaluation and insomnia treatment provided at no cost. Compensated. Sleep Research Project, 1-877-210-9723.

Mitral valve regurgitation study:  men & women age 21-65 diagnosed with a "leaky" mitral valve or moderate mitral valve regurgitation, but otherwise physically healthy may be eligible for a research study. Participants receive, at no charge: study medication, physical exam, lab work, cardiac MRI and exercise test every six months for up to 2 years. Compensated. Jessica or Lynn 996-7118.

The Alabama Vaccine Research Clinic is looking for healthy HIV-negative volunteers ages 19-50 for HIV vaccine studies. You cannot acquire HIV from the vaccine. Compensated up to $50/visit. James 4-6777/5-2839.

Do you have thin bones or osteoporosis? UAB physicians are conducting clinical research studies for osteoporosis and are seeking men & women volunteers. Receive a medical evaluation, DXA scans and study medication at no cost. Compensated. Dr Kenneth Saag 888-534-0367/5-2174.

Have you been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis?  People age 19 or older may be eligible to participate in a study. Receive treatment and medications at no cost. Compensated. Lynn 4-9893.


Read 471 times Last modified on November 02, 2012