June 11, 2009

Clinical trials - Winter 2010

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Join national volunteer-recruitment registry for clinical research

UAB is participating in ResearchMatch.org, the first national online, volunteer-recruitment registry developed to improve the way biomedical research is conducted across the country. This easy-to-use tool can help match researchers and people who want or need to volunteer for clinical trials. Volunteers are notified electronically that they are a possible match, and then they may decide whether or not to release their contact information to member researchers. Register online at ResearchMatch.org.





Do you have a 3-7 year old child?  A study investigating the effects of diet and physical activity on children’s obesity, osteoporosis and diabetes risk seeks healthy, 3-7 year old children. This study involves 4 visits over 6 months for testing of the child and 2 blood draws. Compensation. 975-6226.

Do you have a 3-7 year old child? Are you Hispanic? A study investigating the effects of diet and physical activity on children’s obesity, osteoporosis and diabetes risk seeks healthy, 3-7 year old Hispanic American children. This study involves 2 visits and 1 blood draw for testing. Compensation. Krista 975-6226.

Do you have a 5-10 year old daughter that is African-American or Caucasian? A study investigating the effects of diet and physical activity on girl's obesity, diabetes and osteoporosis risk seeks healthy, 5-10 year old African-American and Caucasian girls. This study involves 2 visits for testing. Compensation. Krista 975-6226. 

Boys age 6-10 needed for study measuring body fat in boys using digital photography. Participants must complete 1 clinic visit at which time body composition and measurements will be assessed. Compensated $25. Katherine 975-9189 or khingram@uab.edu.

Healthy boys age 10-15 needed for brain imaging (fMRI) study of cognitive functions. You will view a set of images in the MRI scanner and respond to simple questions by pushing a button. Study will take 2-3 hours total (1 hour in scanner) and can be completed in 2 separate sessions or in a single day. Compensated $50.  Dr. Rajesh Kana 996-9368.

Healthy, teenage African-American and Caucasian girls, ages 14-18 years needed to study vitamin D relationships with risk for diabetes and heart disease. Involves 2 visits.  Compensated up to $125 and test results, including vitamin D and glucose levels, body fat and bone density. The DIVA Study, Jenni 996-2134.



Nutrition study for women: Do you have any of the following (irregular cycles, excess hair on face or body, acne, cysts on your ovaries, a hard time getting pregnant)? If so, you may be eligible for a study to determine if these health issues can be treated with diet. If you qualify for the study and decide to join, you will get all of your food for 16 weeks, payment for your time, your body fat evaluated, and blood draws. 975-5664. 

Women to exercise: Caucasian or African-American woman age of 21-40 needed to participate in an exercise intensity study being conducted by the UAB Departments of Human Studies and Nutrition Sciences. This is a 20-week study that requires (4) one-night overnight stays at UAB (over a 20 week period). If you are diabetic, smoke or are more than moderately overweight, you will not qualify for the study. Participants will be enrolled in an exercise program consisting of bike riding and treadmill walking. You may improve your fitness level and receive information that includes your daily caloric expenditure, physical fitness level, bone density and body fat composition. You may be compensated for your time. Paul with the Exercise Intensity Study at 934-4386. 

Pregnancy Clinical Trial: The UAB infertility doctors in conjunction with The Reproductive Medicine Network and the National Institutes of Health, are looking for volunteers for a research study; comparing the effectiveness of 2 different medicines used to help increase ovulation in pregnancy, sound interesting? You must be between 18-40 yrs, have irregular periods (less than 8 periods per year or periods greater than 45 days apart), might have excess hair on body or face, or diagnosed with PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome). If you are eligible infertility costs may be covered by the trial. The outcome of the trial is for you to have a successful term pregnancy! You can email: Susan J.Mason at: sjmason@uab.edu or call 801-8207. Principle Investigator is Wright Bates, MD.

Are you planning a pregnancy? We are seeking women age 19 and older who have never given birth to participate in a clinical trial to determine the effects of pregnancy and childbirth on the structures of the pelvic floor.  You must have no baseline symptoms of incontinence and be willing to have two MRIs. Compensation. Leslie 934-1777 or Lynn 934-4080.

Healthy women aged 60-75 needed for strength training study to improve muscle function and mobility. Subjects will exercise 2-3 days/wk for 37 wks and undergo assessments for s strength, balance, fatigue, and bone density; blood and muscle analysis. 934-6221 or www.aging.uab.edu/strive.

Are you a female UAB student age 19 and older? You may be eligible to participate in a dissertation study to help determine if exposure to magazine advertisements is associated with body mass index. The study involves a 1-time web-based survey that takes approximately 15 minutes. If interested, visit www.surveymonkey.com/s/MAGS.  Candice Griffin 223-8941.

Constantly running to the bathroom with a strong desire to go or leaking urine with a strong urge? Do you go to the bathroom at night often? If so, you may have an overactive bladder condition. If you are a woman 21 years or older and you have not taken Vesicare, Sanctura or Enablex, you may qualify for a research study being conducted by urogynecologists at UAB. This study compares bladder injections to oral medications for the treatment of these bothersome urge symptoms. Compensation; all provided medication is at no cost to you. For more information or to see if you qualify, please call 975-8522 or toll free 1-877-496-4673, press option 4. 

BRAVO study: Do you want to earn up to $360 and be part of a national study to identify new ways to test for and prevent vaginal health problems?  Join the BRAVO! Study today!  Women ages 15-25.  Joy 996-2780.

Healthy, premenopausal, non-smoking females age 21-40 who are not taking oral contraceptives are needed for a study to evaluate the exposure of FDA approved drugs during two phases of the menstrual cycle.  Participants will receive a medical exam and a series of blood tests.  (2) 12-hour clinic visits at UAB. Jennifer 934-2696. Compensated up to $400.

Do you a female age 19 or older with chronic chest discomfort, cardiovascular disease? If so, you could be eligible to join a UAB research study that will provide a medication for angina (chest discomfort). To enroll in this study, you need to have chest discomfort two or more times a week. 5-8088/5-0605/ mfitzgerald@uab.edu.

Women with multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury ages 19-60 needed to participate in a study to educate women with spinal cord dysfunction and multiple sclerosis about their sexual potential and to aid researchers in developing new treatment approaches to improve sexual response. Must have normal periods, not be pregnant, have normal hand function and have ability to feel some sensation from lower abdomen to upper thigh region. Compensated $300. Dr Sipski Alexander 4-2022/866-706-5545.

Healthy women age 19-45 who are HIV-negative and want to make a difference in the fight against HIV needed. Volunteers will receive a physical and GYN exams at no cost and will be compensated $30-$250 per visit depending on the procedures you agree to participate in. Joy 996-2780.

Women age 19-45 recently diagnosed (within 5 yrs) with Type 2 diabetes needed for a study to evaluate insulin resistance.  Participants receive a brief medical exam and a series of tests.  An overnight stay at UAB may be req.  Compensated.  5-2422.



Are you a male veteran? Do you get up at least two times each night to urinate? If so, you may be eligible for a study comparing two treatments for nocturia (nighttime urination). Study medications without cost + compensation. 934-3259 and ask for the BEDTiME Study.

Men age 19 and older needed as healthy controls for Blood Study. Compensated provided. 934-2484.

Are you age 40 or over with urinary symptoms? If you urinate at least 9 times in 24 hours, wake up at night to urinate or have urine accidents, you may be eligible for the COBALT study. Medications + compensation. 934-3259.

Men age 65 and older needed for study of testosterone gel in men with low testosterone blood levels.  If you have at least one of the following symptoms: trouble walking at least 1/4 mile, less interest in sex or less energy, you may be eligible for a research study to learn whether using testosterone improves these symptoms associated with aging. Compensation. The T-Trial, call 4-2294.


Men & women

Do you have asthma? Are you having symptoms? Call The UAB Lung Health Center at 934-5555. You may qualify for a study.

Men and women ages 65 and older needed to participate in a study that examines how lifestyle changes affect body fat, risk factors for disease and quality of life. This study requires a 1-year commitment. You may qualify if you are in generally good health and you are on medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. Compensated up to $225. CROSSROADS Study 996-5295.

Evaluation of muscle mass and function and protein supplementation in older adults. Needed:  Men and women age 65-90 years old.  This research aims to determine if protein supplements are beneficial to preserve muscle mass and physical function. The benefits of knowing your body composition, distribution of muscle mass and blood values (cholesterol, white and red blood cells, etc.) are many and may identify a problem of which you are not aware. Also, understanding what your recommended protein intake should be may help you to understand healthier eating habits. You may qualify if you do not smoke or have uncontrolled diabetes or uncontrolled high blood pressure. Compensated up to $500. Paul Zuckerman at 934-4386.

Healthy, caucasian, male and female volunteers ages 19-60 needed for study of FDA-licensed Anthrax vaccine. You cannot acquire anthrax from the vaccine. Compensated.  James 934-6777.

Do you tan? If you regularly tanned in a tanning salon or outdoors, you might qualify for a clinical research trial being conducted at UAB Department of Dermatology. You may be eligible to receive a study visit at no cost to you and monetary compensation for your participation. 934-7550.

Do you have Hepatitis C? This study tests the safety of a new Hepatitis C drug. Researchers are trying to find a dose that is safe to use and also figure out the amount of time it takes to safely lower the level of virus in the blood. Volunteers will receive either study drug or placebo (inactive medication like a sugar pill). Depending on which group you are in, you will be in the study about 2-6 weeks. Compensated up to $390. 996-4398. If the following statements about you are TRUE, this study may be for you: You are age 19-65; you have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C virus infection, but have never been treated; you are HIV negative; if you are a woman, you are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding.

Are you an orthodontic patient who would like to possibly shorten your treatment period? Seeking 42 compliant orthodontic (space closure) patients with permanent teeth and good oral hygiene to participate in a study in the UAB Orthodontic Clinic to determine the rate of accelerated tooth movement using the OrthoPulseT Bone Regeneration System. This study involves wearing a device for a short time period daily or weekly over the course of treatment. Compensated $800. Teri 934-2782 or shadia@uab.edu.

Healthy men & women age 55-90 with mild memory loss and/or diagnosed w/Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) needed to study how memory decline affects everyday skills.  Physical exam, pencil & paper testing, & MRI; no meds. 1 visit/yr for 5 yrs. Compensated $110/yr. Emily 975-4955.

Do you have gout? Either first experience or with heart disease or diabetes? You may qualify for a study. Kerry 934-144.

Men & women age 55-90 in good physical health without significant memory problems needed to study basic money skills and decision-making in older adults. Physical exam, pencil & paper testing, & MRI; no meds. 1 visit/yr for 5 yrs. Compensated $110/yr. Emily 97975-4955.

Healthy men and women ages 20-65 needed to participate in a study to explore how pain influences your decisions to exercise. Participation includes completing 2 surveys over a span of 2 visits. Compensation provided. Brooks 996-5029 or bcwingo@uab.edu.

Men & women age 55-90 in with mild memory loss and/or diagnosed w/mild Alzheimer's Disease (AD) needed to study how memory decline affects everyday skills.  Physical exam, pencil & paper testing, & MRI; no meds.  1 visit.  Comp. $110/visit. Emily 975-4955.

Sexually active men and women age 19 and older who want to make a difference in the fight against HIV needed to take part in a research study to test the safety and acceptability of a rectal microbicide that is being developed to protect both men and women from HIV infection during anal sex. Enrolled volunteers will receive physical and rectal exams, blood tests, and HIV/STI testing at no cost. Compensated up to $574. AMCRS Team 996-4099.

Feeling sad, blue or hopeless? If you are age 19-70 and suffering from depression, you may be eligible to participate in a research study of depression. Compensated. 975-2911.

Participants age 18-75 needed with diagnosis of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or irritable bowel syndrome for study examining the perception of pain/discomfort. Takes about 3 hours. Compensation. Beverly Corbitt 934-3751.

Do you have type 2 diabetes? If you currently take no pills or one, two or three pills for diabetes, you may be eligible for a research study of a new diabetes medication taken one time a week. The study drug will be added to your current treatment plan. Compensation up to $700. 975-8217.

Normal eyes and vision? Study researching why nearsighted people are more susceptible to serious eye problems. Adults age 20-23 who do not wear glasses, with no suspected eye problems and who do not take meds for high-blood pressure needed. Participants who complete the eye examination are eligible for a gift card. Carey 934-2933.

Do you have moderate to severe pain from a non-traumatic vertebral fracture and are age 40-80?  You may qualify for a 13 week study on the effectiveness of a new drug on pain reduction. Compensation for time and travel will be provided. Kerry at 934-1444 or JoAnn at 934-1976 or 1-888-534-0367.

We are looking for healthy men and women, ages 19-95, 12 years of education, to participate in a study on medical decision-making abilities. Pencil and paper testing, 3 visits over the course of 1 year, compensated. Crystal 996-9366.

Depression studies: Feeling sad, down, hopeless? Feeling guilty, tense or irritable? Wishing you were dead?  Experiencing disturbed concentration, appetite, or sleep? If you are age 19-65, you may be eligible to participate in a research study on an investigational medication for depression. Compensated. Office of Psychiatric Research 934-9189.

Participants needed for pain perception study. Healthy volunteers age 19-75 needed for study examining the perception of pain/discomfort. This is a two-part study; the total time involved will not exceed 5.5 hours. MRI may be performed. Compensated. Beverly 934-3751.

Do you have dry eyes? Seeking dry eye patients age 19 and older to participate in a study of different dry-eye therapies. Participants will receive dry-eye treatment at no charge and will be compensated up to $170. Maria Voce 934-6734 or mvoce@uab.edu.

Men and women ages 65-89 needed to participate in a dietary supplement study. This research aims to determine if daily amino acid supplements are beneficial to preserve muscle mass and physical function. You may qualify if you do not smoke, do not have kidney or liver disease, or uncontrolled high blood pressure, and you have not had a heart attack within the past 6 months. Compensation up to $125. Amy Ellis 975-9629.

African-American men/women age 65 or older are needed for group discussion. Participants will discuss their thoughts, views, and opinions about participating in research studies in group setting. Each participant will receive $25 for each focus group session, with a maximum receipt of $50 for attending both sessions. Coretta coretta@uab.edu/4-2884.

Right-handed healthy volunteers and persons with a diagnosis of either schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder age 19-55 needed for a research study to map brain activity while performing decision-making tasks. Study procedures include a clinical interview, computerized test of memory and decision-making, brief vision and handedness evaluation, blood draw (not required for study participation) and 3 MRI/MRS scans over the course of a 6 week period. Participants meeting study criteria will be compensated up to $400 upon completion. David 996-9813.

Are you age 19-39 and healthy? Are you healthy without any history of cardiovascular disease (heart disease, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes)? If so, you may qualify to participate in a research study designed to identify possible genetic risk factors for heart disease. Are presently taking no medications? The study consists of 2 study visits and a single blood collection. Compensated. UAB Hypertension Program at 4-9281 or tduden@uab.edu.

Diabetes and Periodontal Therapy Trial (DPTT): The School of Dentistry at UAB is recruiting participants for a diabetes and gum disease research study. You must be 35 years of age or older and being treated for type-2 diabetes. You must have at least 16 natural teeth and gums that are sore or bleed when brushing your teeth. The study lasts 6 months. Free dental exams and dental cleanings provided. Compensation + validated parking for clinic visits. Call Janet 5-7117 or jturman@uab.edu

Type 2 Diabetics age 21-60 needed for metabolic study. If you are on oral medication to control your Type 2 Diabetes or diet controlled, you may qualify. Receive a physical exam, lab results and compensation. This requires a 1 day stay in the hospital. Sandra at 996-4020 or Dana at 996-4015.

Tired of dentures? Dental implants can help! We are enrolling patients for a UAB research trial of dental implants for people with lower dentures. 410-7306.

The UAB Lung Health Center is doing research to find better ways of diagnosing and treating COPD. Normal, healthy people age 40-75 needed. 4-5555 to see if you qualify for a current study.

Are you a veteran and have difficulty with bowel leakage?  You may qualify to participate in a research study for the treatment of bowel incontinence. Receive a physical exam and medications at no charge. Compensation. The study involves 5 clinic visits over a 3 month period. Confidiential phone contact information: Kate 4-3259/558-7067 for FIRM study.

Do you or someone you know have cystic fibrosis?  The UAB Center for Nursing Research has developed a Web site that addresses the pain experienced by patients with CF. Visit the site for information regarding CF and also take part in a new on-line research study. Patrick hubbardp@son.uab.edu/ 4-7597.

Healthy volunteers age 19-60 needed for metabolic study. This study requires a 2-3 day stay in the hospital. Physical exam, lab results and compensation provided. Sandra 996-4020 or Dana 996-4015.

Do you need dental fillings? A 24-month research study is being conducted at the UAB School of Dentistry to determine the effectiveness of investigational tooth-colored dental filling materials. Enrollment requires that the subject be available for the 24-month study period. Subjects needing fillings in the back teeth are likely candidates. The fillings are free and a monetary incentive is offered at the follow-up visits. 996-5747.

Do you have ulcerative colitis? Volunteers age 19-65 with moderate or severe ulcerative colitis needed to study an investigational medicine. All study-related meds, procedures and exams provided at no cost. To learn more, call 1-877-UAB-4-IBD.

Volunteers needed: smokers interested in quitting via a 12-wk free pharmacotherapy intervention and non-smokers needed for a research study to map brain activity while performing decision-making tasks. Must be drug free for at least 6 months and free of any severe head injuries or neurological illnesses. Study includes a clinical interview, computerized memory and decision-making tasks, vision evaluation, blood draw, 2 MRI/MRS scans. Compensated up to $190. 996-9813.

Do you have type 2 diabetes complicated by blood vessel problems such as heart disease, carotid artery disease, stroke, or poor circulation in your legs or feet? If you are over age 50 you may qualify for a research study investigating the effect of a diabetes drug on blood vessel disease. Participants will receive study drug or placebo provided by the study in addition to the care from your usual diabetes care provider. Miriam 5-8217.

Are you age 19 or older with high blood pressure? If you have mild to moderate hypertension you may qualify to participate in a national 8-week research study for high blood pressure. Eligible study participants will receive study medication, blood pressure checks, physical exams, lab tests and ECG at no cost. Compensation. 4-9281.

Do you have rosacea? If you age 19 or older and have rosacea, you might qualify for a clinical research trial being conducted at UAB Department of Dermatology. You may be eligible to receive study medication and visits at no cost and monetary compensation. Laura 502-9967.

Participants needed for sedation study: healthy adults age 19-40 will receive one of three sedative medications, while we assess your response to pain stimuli and how sedation affects your pain rating. There is a screening visit and then two parts of the study each taking about 2-4 hours of your time and the second part involves brain imaging. Compensated $50-$100 for each of the two parts of the study. Alice Esame 4-4711/ alicee@uab.edu.

Bone augmentation & implant study for UAB Dept of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Those interested in implants who are missing 2 or more teeth may qualify. Must be healthy and at least 21 yrs old. Study involved bone grafting. 4-3669.

High cholesterol? Men & women age 19 or older with high LDL cholesterol who are currently taking medication to lower cholesterol may qualify for a research study of an investigational cholesterol-lowering medication. Study drug, physical exam, and lab tests at no cost. 4-9502.

Healthy Hispanic/Latino men and women needed for immune system study.  Involves giving blood sample only. Compensated. 5-0425.

Are you a veteran receiving care at the Birmingham VA Medical Center?  If so, you may qualify to participate in a metabolic research study. Receive a physical exam, laboratory testing and metabolic testing at no charge. Compensation. The study involves a 2-3 day and night stay in the hospital. We are recruiting both healthy volunteers and those with Type 2 diabetes. Sandra 996-2689/Dana 996-4015.

Do you have atopic dermatitis? Atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition resulting in dry, flaky skin that appears over red, inflamed areas, causing intense itching and burning? Participants age 19 and older who are not pregnant or breastfeeding are needed. Office visits, exams and study-related procedures at no cost. Laura 502-9967.

Do you have toenail fungus? You qualify for a research study at the UAB Dept of Dermatology and receive investigational medication and study visits at no cost. Compensation. Laura 502-9967.

Do you have scaly patches on your face or scalp? You might qualify for a research trials conducted by the UAB Dept of Dermatology. Receive study medication and visits at no cost. Compensation. Laura 502-9967.

Stroke patients. An ongoing study seeks stroke patients who are at least 6 months post-stroke & who have regained at least some movement in the arm affected by the stroke. You may be eligible for outpatient treatment at no cost to improve the use of the arm affected by the stroke. No medication involved. Adriana Delgado 934-9768/ adelgado@uab.edu.

Smokers & ex-smokers age 40 or older needed. You may have a disease called Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease or COPD. Call to see if you qualify to participate. Receive a lung function test at no cost. Compensated. 934-5555/996-6600.

Healthy Caucasian and African-American individuals needed for immune system study. Involves giving blood sample only. Compensated. 975-0425.

Do you need dental fillings? A 24-month research study is being conducted at the UAB School of Dentistry to determine the effectiveness of investigational tooth-colored dental filling materials. Subjects needing fillings in the back teeth are likely candidates. The fillings are free and a monetary incentive is offered at follow-up visits. 996-5747.

Men (50 & older) and women (60 & older) with no history of heart disease or stroke may qualify for a research study of people at risk for heart attack or stroke.  If you have any of the following: high blood pressure, cholesterol problems - high "bad" cholesterol and/or low "good" cholesterol, a blood relative who had a heart attack before age 60, or smoked cigarettes in the last 12 months. 934-9502.

Is your blood pressure uncontrolled (higher than 140/90)? Are you on three or more blood pressure medications including a diuretic? You may qualify to participate in a national 14-week research study to determine the safety and effectiveness of a new investigational medication in the treatment of severe hypertension. Eligible study participants will receive study medication, blood pressure checks, physical exams, laboratory tests and ECG at no cost. Compensation. 934-9281.

Do you have diabetes? The Division of Endocrinology is conducting research studies in treatments for diabetes and diabetic complications such as neuropathy, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Must be age 19 or older and in reasonably good health with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. All study related care is provided at no charge including. Compensated. 934-4112.

Volunteers age 19-60 who are 6 months-3 yrs post SCI are needed for a research study to determine the relationship between neurologic exam and bladder function. Reimbursed $200. Jim 934-2088/ jhigg@uab.edu.

Care Teams for HIV:  If you are HIV+ and are currently participating in a Care Team you are eligible to participate. The study looks at the effects of being in a Care Team for the participant and volunteers. Compensated $80 for 4 sessions. Dr. Burrage 934-0630.

Have you recently stopped problem-drinking?  We want to interview anyone who has recently stopped drinking in a problem manner without treatment.  You could provide valuable information that may help design future alcohol treatment programs. This study is not a treatment program. Confidentiality. Compensation. 934-6082/1-800-815-6200/ www.HealthyDecisions.uab.edu.

The Alabama Vaccine Research Clinic is looking for healthy HIV-negative volunteers ages 19-50 for HIV vaccine studies. You cannot acquire HIV from the vaccine. Compensated up to $75/visit. James 934-6777/975-2839.


Read 154 times Last modified on November 02, 2012