February 04, 2010

Sewell, Vaughan lead honorees for 2010 Service Awards

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Loy Vaughan, left, and Jerry Sewell each have their own UAB story. They were here when UAB transformed from an extension center of the University of Alabama to an autonomous campus. They have seen the changes and watched the growth. Now they will be honored for their dedication at the Service Awards luncheon Friday, Feb. 12.

Jerry Sewell has constructed hardware that has been flown into space and dropped into the sea. Loy Vaughan, Ph.D., has educated thousands of students across all disciplines in mathematics.
Together the duo have logged 85 years of service to UAB — 45 years for Sewell, shop administrator in physics, and 40 years for Vaughan, associate professor of mathematics.

Loy Vaughan, left, and Jerry Sewell each have their own UAB story. They were here when UAB transformed from an extension center of the University of Alabama to an autonomous campus. They have seen the changes and watched the growth. Now they will be honored for their dedication at the Service Awards luncheon Friday, Feb. 12.
Sewell and Vaughan will join more than 200 people at UAB to be honored during the annual Service Awards Program Friday, Feb. 12 that will include a luncheon for employees with 20 or more years of service in the DoubleTree Hotel Heritage Room.

A drop-in reception for more than 1,000 employees who will be recognized for five or more years of service will be held at 3 p.m. in the Heritage Room.

“I’ve been pretty fortunate for a craftsman,” Sewell says of his time at UAB. “If I didn’t enjoy what I do, I wouldn’t be here.”

Sewell came to UAB in 1964 after hearing about an opportunity to make parts for machines. The Cherokee County native worked on the cutting-edge of discovery with doctors in the heart program, including Tinsley Harrison, Champ Lyons and John Kirklin, constructing parts and machines the doctors needed developed to care for their patients. 

“When I started here they were just beginning the open-heart-surgery program,” Sewell says. “At the time, blood pumps and oxygenators were not on the market. We had to make them.”

Sewell, who was named November’s Employee of the Month in 1994 and Employee of the Year for 1994-95, continues to build and repair parts and machines. Much of his work today is for the Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointegration (CNMB), where he repairs and builds materials for Yogesh Vohra’s diamond laboratory. Professors working with optics, lasers, biology, physics and mathematics also keep Sewell busy.

“There’s a saying: ‘The impossible we’ll do today, and the complicated we’ll do tomorrow,” he says. “I’ve tried to stick with that.”

Growing together
Vaughan grew up in West End and attended Florida State University, following Bobby Bowden who left Samford for an assistant coaching position at FSU.

Vaughan played football only one year, but remained at FSU, where he received his undergraduate degree. He completed graduate school at the University of Alabama before returning to Birmingham in 1969 to work at UAB.

“It was just an extension center of the University of Alabama when I was hired,” Vaughan says. “It became an autonomous university during my first year. I served on many committees and groups that helped develop the university in the early years. We were pioneers, I guess you could say.”

Vaughan has seen UAB grow into Birmingham’s biggest success story through the past 40 years. It has grown from an extension center that primarily taught older students who also were working full time jobs to a university that encompasses more than 88 city blocks and has residence halls on campus to house students.

Vaughan never imagined UAB growing into what it has become, but he also never imagined he would work at one place for 40 years.

“When you start out, you don’t have that intention,” Vaughan says. “I never thought I’d be here that long, and I thought it might even be temporary. But every step we took and every year that passed we were building something. We were developing a new university. We had to build libraries, and we had to build a reputation. The university grew, and I grew, so we kind of grew together.”

Changes have been numerous and frequent during Vaughan’s time here. Courses have been restructured and teaching formats have changed many times. E-mail has become the primary means of communication with students outside the classroom, and homework assignments can be completed on the Internet.

But through all of the changes, Vaughan says the basics of being a teacher have remained the same.

“You still try to educate students the best way you can,” he says. “Through all of the restructuring and format changes, you still think you are making progress. We work to improve the process.”

Vaughan, the course coordinator for the Survey of Calculus for Business course, says he intends to keep teaching as long as he’s enjoying it and is healthy. He has no plans to retire soon, but he adds that he knows when the time will be right.

“I’ve always said that the day I have to take the elevator to get to my fourth floor office in Campbell Hall is the day I’ll retire,” Vaughan says. “I still have fun doing this. I turn 65 this year, but physically I’m in pretty good shape. My children and my wife keep me young. As long as my health is good, I’ll be here.”

This year’s other honorees are:

Honored 20-year recipients
Maria Alford (Otolaryngology Surgery); Wanda Allen (Anesthesiology); Pamela Alverson (Cancer Center); Bonita Andrews (OB/GYN); Julia Austin (Curriculum & Instruction); Anthony Banks (Physical Security); Scott Barnum (Microbiology); Karen J. Benson (Building Services); Deborah Blackstone (Medical Student Services); Norman Bolus (Nuclear Medicine Tech Program); Cluster Boyd (Center for Clinical & Translational Sciences); Kyle Boyett (Office of Asst VP Occupational Health & Safety); Laurence Bradley (Immunology/Rheumatology); Robert Brewis (Physical Security); Tempie Brooks (OB/GYN); Dorothy Brown (Building Services); Karen Buckner (Nursing); Jerry Burden (Design Build Construction); Beth Busbey (Ophthalmology); Mary Cagle (Surgery-Chemoprev Res Section); Charles Calhoun (Curriculum & Instruction); James Camel (Genetics); Denise Cardin (Psychiatry); Christie Carroll (IRB for Human Use); W. Winn Chatham (Immunology/Rheumatology); Joan  Conway (Grants & Contracts); Margaret Crim (Student Financial Aid); Marsha Daniell (Family Medicine Program-Huntsville); Patricia Dudley (UAB Police); James Dye (UAB Police); Ellen English (Print Plant); Rhonda Eubank (Cell Biology); Alicia Farley (Cardiovascular Disease); Randall Foster (Neurology); Katrina Fowler (Nephrology); David Freedman (Infectious Diseases); Julia Fuller (Building Services); Paul Gamlin (Vision Sciences); Flora Gathof (Microbiology); Shirley Ginwright (CORD); Brian Gleason (OB/GYN); Darlyene Graham (CIRC); William Griffin (Central Utilities); John Hablitz (Neurobiology); Cheryl Hall (Theatre); Douglas Hamm (Microbiology); Cynthia Hardin (Learning Resource Center); Willie Harper (Hospital Maintenance); Moultrie Hayden (Building Services); J. C. Herring (Managed Care Contracting); Steven Hicks (Center for Biophysical Sciences/Engineering); Darlene Higgins (Preventive Medicine); Peggy Hildreth (Preventive Medicine); Daphne Hoyt (HealthFinder); Jimmy James (Facilities Planning & Design); Trena Johnsey (Preventive Medicine); Sherry Johnson (Office of VP Research); Janet Johnston (Pediatrics); Sharon Johnston (Grad School); Kelley Johnston (Nutrition Sciences Research); John Kappes (Hematology & Oncology); Herbert Keplinger (Hospital Maintenance); Paula Kiley (Immunology/Rheumatology); Larry Langner (Post Office); Kimberly Lee (Radio Paging); Patricia Long (Art); Katherine Margolies (Neurobiology); Gwenetta Marshall (Hematology & Oncology); Beverly Matlock (Office of Assoc VP Financial Affairs); Janet May (Student Financial Aid); Julie McDougal (Pediatrics); Deborrah McDuffie (Immunology/Rheumatology); Brenda McKenzie (Gastroenterology); Sylvia McPherson (Microbiology); David  McPherson (Center for AIDS Research); Stephen Mennemeyer (Health Care Organization & Policy); Patricia Mercado (Dermatology); Andre Millard (History & Anthropology); Melissa Miller (Psych-Public Sector); Kathy Minor (OB/GYN); Melanie Montgomery (SHP); Lisa Moore-Madison (TRIO Academic Services); Leala Morton (Gastrointestinal Surgery); Timothy Muncher (Hospital Maintenance); Wayne Nall (Campus Maintenance); Linda Nieft (University Computer Center); Mubenga Nkashama (Mathematics); Lori Parsons (Procurement); Andrew Paterson (Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism); Nina Poythress (OB/GYN); Jose Quintana (Health Administration Program); Davis Ramsey (Telecommunications); James Rawls (Medicine); Michael Reddy (Periodontology); Nedra Reese (Dental Diagnostic Sciences); Kerry Renfroe (Immunology/Rheumatology); Charlene Rhoades (Pediatrics); Belinda Rials (OB/GYN); Annie Ridgeway (Cancer Center); E. Doug  Rigney (Information Technology); Kelley Roach (Clinical Trials Office); Martha Robbins (Vision Sciences); Jan Rowe (Occupational Therapy); Myrtle P. Rutledge (Optometry); S. L. Rutledge (Clinical Genetics); Christy Shinn (Pulmonary/Allergy/Critical Care); Bonita Sims (UAB Police); Tommy Smith (Curriculum & Instruction); Dan Snelson (Design Build Construction); Sharon Spencer (Radiation Oncology); Steven Spencer (Architecture & Engineering); Mary Stewart (Building Services); Sylvia Strothers (Institute of Oral Health Research); Gregory Tarrant (Lister Hill Library of Health Sciences); Michael Teague (Campus Maintenance); John Thompson (Transplantation Sugery); Nancy Timpa (Leadership, Special Education & Foundations); Edward Turpin (Telecommunications); Dianne Vickers (Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics); Mona Wallace (OB/GYN); Janice Ward (Office of Associate Provost); James Ward (Mathematics); John Welch (Design Build Construction); Kenneth Wilson (Sociology); Joan Wilson (Pediatrics); Steven Wood (Marketing Communications); Karen Wood (Lister Hill Library of Health Sciences); Xizeng Wu (Radiology Chair Office); Xiao Zhang (Infectious Diseases); Ruiwen Zhang (Clinical Pharmacology/Toxicology); Tong Zhou (Immunology/Rheumatology).

Honored 25-year recipients
Mary Accavitti-Loper (Genetics Research); Barbara Adams (Temporary Services); Francesca Allen (Genetics Research); Johnny Armstrong (Hospital Maintenance); Marvin Atmore (UAB Police); Tim Awtrey (Clinical Pathology); Mary Bagley (Cancer Center); Boyd Bailey (Family Medicine-Selma); Judy Baker (Epidemiology); Tracey Baker (English); Frederick Bamberger (University Computer Center); Roger Berkow (Pediatrics); Carla Bonds (Accounts Payable); Robert Bourge (Cardiovascular Disease); Gwendolyn Boyd (Anesthesiology); Cynthia Brumfield (OB/GYN); Joseph Burns (Curriculum & Instruction); Cynthia Calhoun (Pulmonary/Allergy/Critical Care); Caroline Chapman (Cardiovascular Disease); Katherine Clore (Optometry); Donna Crabb (Pathology); Marilyn  Crain (Pediatrics); Elizabeth Delzell (Epidemiology); James Dorriety (WBHM); Nancy Dunlap (Pulmonary/Allergy/Critical Care); Annette Forehand (Development, Alumni & Ext Relations); Deborah Frazer (Hematology & Oncology); Larry Freeberg (Immunology/Rheumatology); William Garth (Orthopaedic Surgery); Keith Georgeson (Pediatric Surgery); Jay Goldman (Engineering); Kiran Gupta (Pathology); Joanetha  Hale (Microbiology); Anna-Marga Hale (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation); Donna  Hamer (SHP); T. Michael  Harrington (Family & Community Medicine); Linda Harris (Mervyn H. Sterne Library); William Hopkins (Telecommunications); Thelma Houston (Shipping & Receiving); Gary Hunter (Human Studies); Debra Jackson (Dental Diagnostic Sciences); Thomas Jannett (Electrical & Computer Engineering); Wanda Jordan (Graduate School); Bruce Julian (Nephrology); Terry Justice (Procurement); Constance Kamii (Curriculum & Instruction); Kevin Kirk (Physiology & Biophysics); Rita Langford (Procurement); Relando Lee (MIST); Michael Lorino (Arts & Humanities); Kevin Macon (Center for Biophysical Sciences/Engineering); Teresa Manley (MIST); Roberta May (Psych-Behavioral Neurobiology); John Mayer (Mathematics); Kenneth Morrow (Central Utilities); Navin Nanda (Cardiovascular Disease); Cecelia O’Ree (Pediatrics); Glenn Peters (Otolaryngology Surgery); Richard Pilgreen (Customer Services); Larry Poythress (Campus Maintenance); Cynthia Pratt (Microbiology ); Loretta Preston (OB/GYN); Winfred Price (Hospital Maintenance); Sherri Price (Radiation Safety); Charles Prince (Nutrition Sciences); Phyllis Rush (Building Services); Jane Slabaugh (Cardiovascular Disease); Pamela Smith (Gastroenterology); Jacqueline Stallworth (Microbiology); Veronica Strother (Student Accounting); Timothy Sullivan (Campus Services); Teresa Tennyson (Gerontology/Geriatrics/Palliative Care); Arabella Tilden (Hematology & Oncology); Tim Townes (Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics); Jenny Tucker (Surgery); Diane Tucker (Psychology); Robert Varner (OB/GYN); Daniel Vaughan (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation); Carolyn Wallace (Cell Biology); John Waterbor (Epidemiology); Godfrey Watkins (Mervyn H. Sterne Library); James Wayland (Center for Biophysical Sciences/Engineering); Terry Weaver (Telecommunications)

Honored 30-year recipients
C. B. Alexander (Pathology); Brooks Baker (Facilities); Betty Barron (University Computer Center); Arlene Benson (Human Studies); Wilson Black (Elevator Maintenance); Scott Brande (Chemistry); Charlye Brocks (Cardiovascular Disease); Wayne Brouillette (Chemistry); Kathleen Brown (Nursing Com Hlth, Outcomes, Sys); Arlene Bulger (Neonatology); Fred Chambers (Campus Maintenance); Mary Clark (Cardiovascular/Thoracic Surgery); Pamela Clark (Continuing Medical Education); Stella Cocoris (Enrollment Services); Mattie Conaway (Campus Planning); Janet Cunningham (Office of Exec Director Facilities Management); John Curtis (Nephrology); Letha Daniel (Bell-Wallace Gym); Della Daniel (Biostatistics); Pamela Fordham (Nursing Fam/Child Health/Caregiver); Donald Forshee (Design Build Construction); Jeanie Garner (Periodontology); C. C. Goddard (Huntsville Clinic-Psychiatry); Cynthia Holmes (Student Affairs); James Jackson (Medical Education); Martin Jones (Gerontology/Geriatrics/Palliative Care); James Kirklin (Cardiovascular/Thoracic Surgery); Alfred Lakeman (Pediatrics); Seung-Dong Lee (Marketing, Industrial Distribution & Economics); Warren Martin (Marketing & Industrial Distribution); Walter McCord (Shipping & Receiving); Davietta McDole (Justice Sciences); Suzanne Michalek (Microbiology); Earline Moore (Employment); Lois Musgrove (Gastroenterology); Dennis Pillion (Pharmacology/Toxicology); Pamela Powell (Creative & Periodicals); Patricia Raczynski (Financial Affairs); Max Richard (Education Training & General Safety); Sonja Rieger (Art); Leo Semes (Optometry); Jana Shultz (Pathology); G L. Stephens (Philosophy); Joan Stoney (University Computer Center); James Swanson (Grounds); Gregg Vaughn (Electrical & Computer Engineering); Dorothy Welch (Cardiovascular Disease); Bruce Wheatley (History & Anthropology); J. M. Wyss (Cell Biology)

Honored 35-year recipients
David Corliss (Planning & Analysis); Daniel Craft (Design Build Construction); Joan Davis (Development, Alumni & Ext Relations); Annie Edwards (Nursing Student Affairs); Milton Essig (Comp Dentistry); Anne Foote (Nursing Adult/Acute Health); David Jenkins (Biology); Joseph Johnson (Preventive Medicine); John Kearney (Microbiology); Robert Kleinstein (Optometry); Tennant McWilliams (History & Anthropology); David Naftel (Cardiovascular/Thoracic Surgery); Mary Ross (Mervyn H. Sterne Library); Cynthia Scott (Student Retention Programs); Jere Segrest (Gerontology/Geriatrics/Palliative Care); Jerry Stephens (Mervyn H. Sterne Library); James Tent (History & Anthropology); Lawrence Wharton (English); Shirley Williams (Building Services)

Read 1513 times Last modified on November 02, 2012