We do not currently offer hematology and serum chemical analyses as routine services. Southern Research (SR) offers some services not provided by UAB’s Comparative Pathology Laboratory (CPL). For further assistance with SRI catalogue, please contact Katie Lovelady, UAB representative for Southern Research.
Katie Lovelady
Business Development Associate
Cell: (256) 303-2140
Southern Research
Business Development Associate
Cell: (256) 303-2140
Southern Research
In addition to SR the following UAB labs offer relevant services:
AB Division of Nephrology O’Brien Center
Serum creatinine in rodents is overestimated by picric acid methods (Meyer MH et al. Anal Biochem 144: 285-290, 1985; Jung K et al. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 25:357-361, 1987). An improved method developed by Dr. Dan Sharer is available through the O'Brien Center Core C Bioanalytical Resource.
UAB Diabetes Research and Training Center Physiology Core Laboratory
The DRTC Physiology Core Laboratory performs analyses for lipids, insulin, glucose, leptin, and selected other hormones related to nutrition and metabolism. Contact theDirector for further information.
The DRTC Physiology Core Laboratory performs analyses for lipids, insulin, glucose, leptin, and selected other hormones related to nutrition and metabolism. Contact the
Barbara Gower, PhD
Lastly, CPL staff are happy to consult individually with investigators to identify vendors that can provide services unavailable at UAB or Southern Research. For further assistance identifying the appropriate contract research vendor, please contact Jeremy Foote (Director of Comparative Pathology Lab; 205-975-0688).