A Project Master Agreement (PMA) is an umbrella contract between UAB and another entity that sets the legal terms and conditions that will govern multiple studies/projects between those parties. A PMA facilitates faster approval of subsequent clinical trials or research projects because most terms and conditions, especially the most arduous, have already been negotiated. An attachment (e.g., exhibit, addendum, task or work order, etc.) to the PMA is ordinarily utilized to incorporate the scope or statement of work, budget and any additional terms specific to that study/project.
The Project Master Agreement (PMA) is a proposal type in IRAP. The OSP AVP is listed as the PI on all PMAs. If you are working on a project under a PMA you should see the referenced PMA or amendment by clicking the Related Agreements folder of the IRAP proposal record. You will, however, not be able to open the PMA record as only the OSP AVP is listed on it as Responsible Personnel. For access contact the OSP officer supporting your department, division or school.
Required Documents Search Tool
List of active PMA records at UAB (requires login)