TIG – The Implementation Group
The RDO maintains a partnership with TIG, a research development firm specializing in strategic positioning, proposal review and development, and team science. Proposal development services include project conceptualization and positioning, internal proposal review and assessment, development of collaboration plans, and coordination of external disciplinary reviews. Engagements with TIG are available at no-cost to UAB faculty, but a referral is required; please reach out to the RDO to discuss if TIG support might be right for you.
RDO Proposal Review
The RDO offers in-house proposal review services, including guidance on proposal structure, content, style, and grantsmanship. Critical reviews typically include actionable recommendations to improve clarity and impact of the proposal, as well as identification of tone/style inconsistencies and areas in need of attention. Copy editing or proof-reading of full proposal texts is typically not included in critical reviews. In-house reviews can typically be accommodated on shorter notice than external reviews, though a minimum of two weeks before the submission deadline is preferred to ensure ample time for review and incorporation of feedback. Please reach out to the RDO to request a proposal review and discuss your proposal development needs.
Panels Done Quickly
The Center for Clinical and Translational Science organizes Panels Done Quickly that bring together investigators with specific and relevant research expertise to provide advanced peer- and methodologic-review of grant proposals. Panels are tailored to meet specific expertise and scheduling needs for each proposal. Learn more and sign up for a CCTS Panels Done Quickly.
Scientific Writers for Hire
The RDO does not currently offer writing, proof-reading, or copy-editing services. However, there are several scientific writers and editors available for hire that are currently approved as UAB vendors. A list of additional grant writers for hire is maintained by the National Organization of Research Development Professionals.
Grant wRiting InTensive Program (GRIT)
Preparing for your first extramural grant application? Whether you are pursuing a career development award or your first R01, the Grant wRiting InTensive (GRIT) program combines highly structured group activities and one-on-one support to guide you through the proposal development process and help you meet your submission deadlines and goals. Learn more about the GRIT program and apply to join the next cohort.
Team Science Program
The University-wide Interdisciplinary Research Centers and the Office of Research are pleased to announce to launch of the Team Science Program (TSP), a pathway process for teams to develop successful extramural proposals for multi-project program grants by bringing investigators together in supportive environments that stimulate co-creation and innovation.
Open now, TSP teams may apply for Phase 1 funding to support planning and external advising for their scientific teams. During Phase 1, TSP teams are expected to host an initial meeting with an external scientific advisory board, develop a white paper detailing the state of the science in the thematic area nationally (or globally) and at UAB, and develop a plan to prepare full length proposals for extramural funding opportunities. Following achievement of Phase 1 goals, teams can apply for substantially more funding (up to $200,000) during a Phase 2 to support preparation and submission of multi-program project grants.
A Request For Proposals for Phase I Planning Grants of up to $5,000 will be open from September 4, 2024-November 22, 2024. Interested applicants should go to InfoReady (infoready4.com) and choose Team Science Program Phase I from the application table.