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Committee Chair – Muhammad Maqbool, Ph.D., M.S., M.Sc.
Committee Contact Person – Donna Williamson
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Laser Safety Advisory Committee has been charged with the authority to review and approve, disapprove, or require modifications of all UAB University and UAB Hospital projects involving the use of lasers and laser systems classified by the ANSI Laser Standard as Class 3R and or Class 4. The LSAC ensures that investigators follow standards and procedures consistent with current local, state, and federal laser or laser system regulations and guidelines. The Committee functions to cover gaps not filled by other University oversight bodies and is advisory to the VPR who has institutional responsibility and enforcement authority of research compliance.

All research involving lasers or laser systems conducted at UAB by its employees and/or involving use of its facilities or resources must be reviewed and approved by the LSAC before initiation. The Laser Safety Advisory Committee has the authority to impose disciplinary measures in cases where there is violation of UAB’s established practices and procedures.

The LSAC is comprised of members from the UAB research community with representatives from Health Physics, Optometry & Vision Sciences, Chemistry, Ophthalmology, and Environmental Health & Safety. The Committee reports to the Vice President for Research and meets every other month to review and discuss proposed research activities, review training, facilities and facility modification, standard operating procedures, etc. If you have questions about the UAB Laser Safety Committee, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and someone from the office of Research Safety and Security will be in contact.

2024 LSAC Meeting Dates, Bi-Monthly, First Wednesday of the month:

February 7

April 3

June 5

August 7

October 2

December 4