The UWIRC program serves to catalyze cross-cutting research and discovery, adding to the generation of new scientific knowledge and its applications to benefit society. Successful UWIRCS exhibit excellence in a variety of areas, including:
- Multidisciplinary, cross-unit collaborations
- Cross-disciplinary scholarship
- Training programs for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty
- Faculty recruitment and retention efforts
- Community engagement
- Entrepreneurialism
- Philanthropy
To be designated a UWIRC, centers must involve participation by faculty from multiple UAB schools. Approximately every five years, a competitive UWIRC application process is held.
The most recent competitive application process was held in the Summer/Fall of 2023 for a funding cycle that began in October of 2024.
Council of Center and Institute Directors (CoCID)
Each UWIRC Director and Institute Director participates in the UAB Council of Center and Institute Directors (CoCID). The CoCID meets monthly and facilitates interactions and interdisciplinary collaborations among the UWIRCs and UAB’s Institutes as well as providing advice and recommendations on research related matters to the Vice President for Research. The CoCID is led by an elected Chair and Chair-Elect.
Council of Center and Institute Administrators (CoCIA)
The Council of Center and Institute Administrators (CoCIA) is comprised of an administrative professional from each UWIRC and Institute. It serves as a network of support, education, and training for research administration professionals, assists the CoCID and the Office of Research with projects that advance research at UAB, identifies barriers and initiates change where and when there is a need.