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The Research Development Core (RDC) supports cutting edge biological research on the comparative biology and energetics of aging. The RDC accomplishes this goal by administering the UAB NSC Pilot/Feasibility Grants program and by providing mentorship and support for UAB NSC grantees.

Core Leaders

Core Responsibilities

  • Advertises broadly for proposals for Pilot and/or Feasibility studies in comparative energetics of aging from faculty in all disciplines.
  • Administers a review system that ensures optimal use of the Center’s research cores.
  • Promotes interdisciplinary activities that leverage resources from a range of fields.
  • Provides mentoring and support for the Pilot/Feasibility awardees.
  • Identifies proposals exploring promising areas of research or seeking to address controversial areas in the basic biology of aging.
  • Evaluates the Pilot/Feasibility Program success.
  • Facilitates synergy and collaboration among awardees and other aging researchers.