Nutrition Sciences (NS)

Sharon Smalling: Nourishing Body and Soul
A 40-plus year career in one field is quite the accomplishment, and doing so with only a handful of job changes is rare in this day and age. That’s what Sharon Smalling (DI, 1980) has managed to do though, and she takes a lot of pride and joy in that.
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Lia Puzzo Earns DEP Outstanding Graduate Award
Lia Puzzo, a graduating student of UAB’ School of Health Professions (SHP) Dietitian Education Program (DEP), is the winner of the 2024 Outstanding Graduate Award for the Dietitian Education Program.
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DNS PhD Alumni Spotlight: Pi-Ling Chang
In this edition of our alumni feature, we highlight and celebrate Dr. Pi-Ling Chang. All of you may remember Dr. Chang - she was the very first student in the PhD program and she remained with the department throughout her career.
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BBJ Who's Who in Healthcare features SHP ties
The UAB School of Health Professions has 12 people, including Dean Andrew J. Butler, Ph.D., named to the Birmingham Business Journal’s 2021 Who’s Who in Health Care.
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Gigi Carter, Nutrition Sciences alumna, publishes her first book
Gigi Carter, MS, CN, CPT, alumna of the UAB School of Health Professions’ Master of Science in Nutrition Sciences, Lifestyle Management and Disease Prevention Track, published her first book, The Plant-Based Workplace: Add Profits, Engage Employees and Save the Planet, earlier this year.
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Donna Martin – Distinguished Alumni Award
Donna S. Martin, a 1977 graduate of what was then the UAB Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition/Dietetics program, is the UAB School of Health Professions’ 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award winner. Martin becomes only the 48th person to earn the highest honor awarded to our alumni – a number that is even more impressive when you consider we have more than 18,000 graduates in our history.
Read moreAlabama Healthcare Hall of Fame inducts two from SHP
Two healthcare legends with strong ties to the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Professions were inducted to the Alabama Healthcare Hall of Fame at a ceremony on Saturday, August 25, 2014.
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UAB Excellence in Business honors Jan Jacks
However, Jacks is not your traditional artist. She is the owner, baker and artist behind Dreamcakes Bakery located in Homewood, Ala. Read more

Heersink family gifts $1M to UAB School of Health Professions
Marnix E. Heersink, M.D., and Mary Heersink, longtime supporters of UAB, have made a gift of $1,040,000 gift to the UAB School of Health Professions. The donation, which established the Heersink Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Health Professions, is the largest single scholarship gift in school history.
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Governor Ivey signs bill to impact care in rural and underserved counties
Governor Kay Ivey, during a bill signing ceremony on Thursday, signed into law the Preceptor Tax Incentive Program to provide income tax credit incentives for certain health professions students who train in rural and underserved counties across Alabama.
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UAB NORC chooses Rowe as 2020 Named New Investigator
The UAB Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) selects Glenn Rowe, Ph.D. as this year’s Named New Investigator.
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Poster & Lightning Talks Unite Departments
The UAB Departments of Health Services Administration and Nutrition Sciences united for a "Poster & Lightning Talks Session" at the Edge of Chaos. The two departments, each members of the School of Health Professions, used a poster session format to bring together faculty, staff, students and scientists to discuss research and teaching.
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Nestlé, UAB and Woodlawn Foundation team up for early childhood nutrition education
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Dietetic Internship graduates 50th class
Congratulations to the UAB Dietetic Internship program. At 10 a.m. on Friday, June 20, 2014, the program in the School of Health Professions graduated their 50th class.
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UAB recognizes clinical nutrition pioneer Weinsier

Garvey receives Gerald Reavan Distinguished Leader in Insulin Resistance Award
W. Timothy Garvey, M.D., FACE, MABOM, was given the Gerald Reaven Distinguished Leader in Insulin Resistance Award by the World Congress on Insulin Resistance, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease (WCIRDC).
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José Fernández is recipient of TOS Presidential Medal of Distinction
José Fernández, Ph.D., FTOS, was named a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Distinction from The Obesity Society (TOS) for “leadership and scholarship in the field of obesity that has inspired a more diverse group of scientists and clinicians.”
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2024 Blazer Forever Scholarship Recipients
Five students have been awarded a UAB School of Health Professions Blazer Forever Scholarship. The award is given to SHP students during Homecoming Week based on an essay answer. This year, we asked students to talk about the ways classroom collaborations and/or team-based learning has made them stronger teammates.
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Alanis Stansberry Schweitzer Fellowship delivers recipes for those with chronic illnesses
Alanis Stansberry, a student in our PhD in Nutrition Sciences program, developed recipes for individuals with common chronic illnesses utilizing foods available in Live HealthSmart Alabama's Mobile Market. The project was for her service as a 2023-24 Alabama Schweitzer Fellow.
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UAB Nutrition Experts Launch Podcast that Explores Weight Loss with Science and Humor
University of Alabama at Birmingham professors James Hill, Ph.D., and Holly Wyatt, M.D., have launched a new podcast that explores the complexities of weight loss with science, humor and real-life experiences.
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