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Students/Faculty News Stephen Lanzi May 20, 2024

We are excited to introduce our new series highlighting different stories and news items coming out of the disability community. We will share trending articles, podcasts, books, movies and any form of media that increases visibility of and perspective from the disability community.

Photo of video game controllersOur hope is that this series will foster a sense of community and live up to the “E” in CEDHARS – Engagement. We hope that you enjoy these fascinating stories, and if you come across anything you think would be interesting for our readers, please share with us at CEDHARS@uab.edu.

Designing for disability: how video games become more accessible | NPR

Gaming provides entertainment and community for billions of people worldwide. However, video games haven't always been accessible to people with disabilities. But this is changing. In this installment of NPR’s “The Indicator from Planet Money” series on the business of video games, the hosts explain how accessibility has become an increasingly important priority for game developers and how advocates pushed them to this point, including adapting the massively popular game “The Last of Us” for people with physical and sensory disabilities.

Day in the Life: Pastry Chef Jessica Kruger | New Mobility

This feature story follows pastry chef Jessica Kruger through a typical day, showcasing her passion for baking and her adaptive approach to her work due to her wheelchair use. Kruger's day starts early with a focus on creativity and attention to detail in her baking. Despite facing physical challenges, she maintains a positive attitude and adapts her kitchen setup to suit her needs, emphasizing the importance of accessibility in the culinary industry. Kruger's dedication to her craft and determination to overcome obstacles highlight her resilience and empower others in the field.

NJ bill would let Uber, Lyft offer more rides to seniors, people with disabilities | North Jersey

This news item discusses a proposed bill in New Jersey that aims to enhance transportation options for individuals with disabilities. If passed, the bill would allow ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft to provide accessible transportation services equivalent to those offered by NJ Transit's Access Link program. This move is intended to address the limitations of Access Link, which faces complaints regarding reliability and availability. Advocates argue that allowing alternative services would offer greater flexibility and improve mobility for individuals with disabilities, potentially easing their reliance on Access Link and providing more convenient transportation options.

We’re forging new partnerships to make flying dignified and safe | United Spinal Association

This article discusses United Spinal Association's efforts to improve air travel experiences for people with disabilities. It highlights partnerships with organizations like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Airlines for America (A4A) to enhance accessibility and safety measures. United Spinal is advocating for the adoption of new technologies and policies to ensure dignified and safe travel for wheelchair users and other individuals with disabilities. Initiatives include promoting accessible lavatories, improving training for airline staff, and advocating for regulatory changes. These partnerships aim to address longstanding challenges and create a more inclusive and accommodating air travel environment for all passengers.

Nathalie McGloin: A Driving Force for Inclusion in Motorsports

This feature highlights Nathalie McGloin's groundbreaking journey as a motorsports competitor and advocate for inclusion. Despite a spinal cord injury, McGloin pursued her passion for racing, becoming the first female tetraplegic driver to earn a racing license. She founded the Spinal Track charity, offering disabled individuals the chance to experience high-speed driving. McGloin's advocacy extends beyond the track, campaigning for greater accessibility and representation in motorsports. Through her determination and activism, she challenges stereotypes and barriers, inspiring others with disabilities to pursue their dreams in the racing world and advocating for a more inclusive motorsports community.

Transportation Accessibility in the Windy City | Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research

The video showcases the story of Matt Stutzman, a remarkable archer known as the "Armless Archer." Born without arms, Stutzman defies expectations by mastering archery using only his feet. He recounts his journey, from learning to adapt household tools for archery to becoming a Paralympic silver medalist and Guinness World Record holder. Stutzman's determination and positive attitude shine through as he shares his philosophy of focusing on what he can do rather than what he can't. His story serves as a powerful testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity and achieve remarkable feats through perseverance and creativity.

Embracing Parkinson’s: A journey of hope and perseverance | UAB News

This story delves into a personal narrative of a Parkinson's disease patient, Michael Barber, who shares his journey of living with the condition. Barber emphasizes the importance of hope, perseverance and a positive mindset in navigating life with Parkinson's. He discusses the initial shock of diagnosis, the evolution of symptoms and the impact on daily life and relationships. Through support groups, exercise and medication, Barber finds ways to manage his symptoms and maintain a fulfilling life. His story serves as an example of resilience, highlighting the importance of acceptance and embracing life's challenges with optimism.

Reelabilities Film Festival 2024 Prepares To Celebrate Disabled Talent And Stories | Forbes

This spotlight discusses the upcoming ReelAbilities Film Festival 2024, which celebrates disabled talent and stories in cinema. Set to feature a diverse range of films highlighting disability experiences. The festival aims to promote inclusivity and representation in the film industry. Through screenings, panel discussions and Q&A sessions, attendees will engage with filmmakers, actors, and activists to foster understanding and appreciation for disability narratives. With a focus on empowerment and advocacy, the festival provides a platform for marginalized voices and challenges societal perceptions of disability. It serves as a vital space for fostering dialogue, promoting accessibility, and championing diversity in filmmaking.

‘The Blind Chef’ Christine Ha shares her story at Asian and Disability Awareness Dinner | The Vidette

This human-interest story highlights Christine Ha, a blind chef, sharing her personal journey at an Asian and disability awareness dinner. Ha, who lost her vision due to an autoimmune disease, overcame challenges to pursue her passion for cooking and eventually won the third season of MasterChef. At the event, she discusses her journey, emphasizing resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Ha's success serves as a testament to the capabilities of individuals with disabilities and underscores the importance of inclusion and representation in the culinary world. Her story encourages attendees to embrace diversity and pursue their dreams regardless of obstacles.

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