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Students/Faculty News Kevin Storr October 25, 2019

Matthew IthurburnMatthew Ithurburn, PT, DPT, PhD, assistant professor in the UAB School of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Physical Therapy, has been selected by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Section on Research as a 2019 recipient of the Emerging Leader Award. Ithurburn, who is also treasurer of the Biomechanics Special Interests Group (2018-2020), was nominated by the Section’s leadership to recognize his accomplishments and contributions to the PT profession and the APTA, early in his career.

“The Section on Research within the APTA provides excellent resources and a platform for advancing research in the physical therapy profession through education and networking,” said Ithurburn. “My pursuit of a research career in physical therapy has been largely influenced by the Section, and to be nominated by its leadership for this award is a huge honor. I am very grateful for the recognition.”

In addition, to his teaching responsibilities, Ithurburn is co-director of the UAB Human Performance Laboratory. His research goals include improving outcomes and promoting evidence-based treatment for young, active patients following lower extremity musculoskeletal injuries. His approach to achieve these goals includes leveraging clinical and biomechanical data to determine factors associated with successful or unsuccessful outcomes over time. 

Ithurburn is also an associate scientist in UAB’s Center for Exercise Medicine and Comprehensive Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, Bone, and Autoimmunity Center and Disability Health & Rehabilitation Science Center. And he maintains part-time clinical practice in Birmingham.

Here is an excerpt from his Emerging Leader Award nomination letter:

“The Section on Research wishes to acknowledge both the early contributions and the outstanding potential for leadership demonstrated by Dr. Ithurburn. Not only did he complete his DPT degree, an orthopedic residency, and a PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences between 2011 and 2017 but less than a year after that feat he was elected to serve at a national level with the Section’s Biomechanics Special Interest Group. He is also engaged in promoting research advancement through numerous venues of the APTA. We are excited to acknowledge Dr. Ithurburn’s contributions and boundless potential as a future leader in our profession.”

Ithurburn will be recognized in the December issue of the APTA’s PT in Motion magazine. He is one of 23 members to earn this distinguished award in 2019.

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