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Students/Faculty News Rylan Gray March 14, 2024

Krystle W. Glasgow, MIS, CNMT, NMTCB(CT), NMAA, FSNMMI-TS, clinical coordinator in our M.S. in Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Sciences program, is being recognized for continuing to excel in a growing and evolving profession while standing and fighting for all things nuclear medicine. Much of her motivation comes from a drive to help her students succeed.

“I am steadfast in my commitment to research and lifelong learning, striving to stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field,” said Glasgow. “By integrating these discoveries into the educational curriculum, I aim to equip my students with up-to-date knowledge and skills, preparing them to become future leaders in nuclear medicine.”


Glasgow President Welcome

In 2021, Glasgow was elected president-elect of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Technologist Section (SNMMI-TS). The SNMMI is an international scientific and medical organization, dedicated to advancing nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, vital elements of precision medicine that allow diagnosis and treatment to be tailored to individual patients to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Upon becoming president-elect, Glasgow vowed to be an advocacy champion for all nuclear medicine technologists (NMTs) by optimizing grassroots activity, and educating regulators and legislators, insuring nothing would inhibit the practice of nuclear medicine. In addition, she pledged to work hard on a personal level by ensuring the voices of the NMTs were heard and that they have everything they’ll need to successful. Today, now that her year as SNMMI-TS president has come to an end, it’s clear that not only did she honor her commitments, but she also exceeded expectations.

Inaugural Programs

Glasgow’s term as president proved to be a landmark year for SNMMI. Under her leadership, came several inaugural programs that came to be hugely successful. One of the programs introduced was the New Strategic Plan. This plan was designed to embrace the future, taking a look at the substantial changes in the field within the technologist section over the last three years. This plan formed one cohesive mission for SNMMI and focused on synergizing the efforts of the nuclear medicine community.

Another program formed under Glasgow’s leadership was a Technologist Pipeline Task Force. This program was focused on creating a comprehensive outreach strategy to encourage students to view nuclear medicine technology as an intriguing and rewarding field. Just one year after its inception, the SNMMI-TS has launched two successful programs towards this goal: the Nuclear Medicine Technologist Student Leadership Academy and the Nuclear Medicine Technologist Recruitment Program.

“As an educator, my mission is to inspire and empower the next generation of nuclear medicine professionals,” said Glasgow. “I believe that by imparting knowledge, fostering critical thinking, and encouraging curiosity, we can nurture a cohort of enthusiastic learners who will drive the practice of nuclear medicine forward.” 


Glasgow PresidentFrom her years of hard work and dedication to nuclear medicine, Glasgow has garnered a great deal of achievements and recognition. In June, the editors of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology selected her article titled, “Going Nuclear with Amino Acids and Proteins: Basic Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Primer for the Technologist,” for the Editors’ Choice Award for best continuing education article published in 2022.

In May 2023, Glasgow was invited to the rededication of The American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Dr. Saul Hertz and the Medical Uses of Radioiodine National Landmark at Harvard Medical School. Only 20 guests were invited, and Glasgow was personally asked by Barbara Hertz, daughter of Dr. Hertz, to attend representing nuclear medicine.

Standing for Nuclear Medicine

Earlier this year, Glasgow was asked to travel to Washington, D.C., to discuss legislation that directly affects nuclear medicine and patient care with senators and representatives. On her visit, Glasgow spoke with six senators and representatives offices.

  • Office of Representative Beth Van Duyne (R-TX-24)
    • Met with Brayden Woods, Legislative Assistant
  • Office of Representative Kevin Hern (R-OK-1)
    • Met with Kirby Tidmore, Legislative Assistant
  • Office of Representative Garret Graves (R-LA-6)
    • Met with Ellen Bottcher, Legislative Correspondent
  • Office of Senator James Lankford (R-OK)
    • Met with Matt Penner, Legislative Correspondent
  • Office of Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK)
    • Met with Kaitlynn Quaofio, Deputy Legislative Director
  • Office of Senator Katie Britt (R-AL)
    • Met with Maggie McPherson, Legislative Aide

Glasgow PlaqueDuring her visit, Glasgow spoke on The Facilitating Innovative Nuclear Diagnostics (FIND) Act of 2023 (H.R. 1199), asking members to consider cosponsoring the act, allowing providers to better manage costs, while also delivering more targeted care.

She spoke about the Department of Defense (DoD) Report Language, asking members to support the bipartisan inclusion of the report language in the FY24 Defense Appropriations bill and the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) encouraging the DoD to include nuclear medicine imaging and related techniques in descriptions of CDMRP funding opportunities where relevant.

Lastly, she spoke with them about Problematic Medical Event Report Language, asking congress to oppose unnecessary reports that could negatively impact the field of nuclear medicine and patients.

Since her visit, the HR 1199 Bill now has 39 cosponsors (22 democratic and 17 republican) and is moving along and has been sent to the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health. Today, it has also been introduced to the Senate as the FIND Act (S. 1544) and has 7 cosponsors (4 democratic and 3 republican), plus, it has also been referred to the Senate Finance Committee which is strong news. In June of 2023, the DoD Report had nuclear medicine included. Glasgow expects changes to be made soon with Problematic Medical Even Report Language

“Nuclear medicine stands at the forefront of cutting-edge medicine, harnessing the power of radiation for diagnosis and treatment. With continuous advancements in imaging techniques and radiopharmaceutical development, the future of nuclear medicine holds boundless promise – shaping the new era of precision medicine. By uniting our efforts in the nuclear medicine community, we can propel medicine to unprecedented heights, positively impacting patient care and transforming the landscape of medical treatment.”

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