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Request an internal news article from the School of Public Health Communications team to be featured on SOPH News. If a full story is not warranted, the Communications team may opt to share your news in a different format, i.e. social media or other digital communications.

There are several types of news opportunities available to the faculty and staff of the UAB School of Public Health:

  • SOPH Employee Newsletter
  • Get a Handle Student Newsletter
  • Internal to the SOPH
  • Greenmail: UAB’s Student Newsletter
  • The eReporter: UAB’s Employee Newsletter
  • UAB News and Reporter websites
  • UAB and SOPH Social media channels: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • External to UAB: The UAB Public Relations team works with students, faculty, staff, and the news media to support the institution’s strategic goals and inform the public. News and events shared with external media outlets can result follow up interview request or event attendance from media. *Please note, consideration for external publicity is left to the discretion of UAB's central Media Relations team based on factors such as audience, institutional priorities, timeliness and relevant dates or deadlines.*

Interest in your news is subject to overlap across these channels. Information is used at the discretion of the School of Public Health Communications team and UAB University Relations, and will be published at a time and with a frequency that best enables us to accommodate requests and produce timely, meaningful communication for our faculty, staff, and students. The more advance notice we have, the better able we are to share about your events and news.

Please note: If you have been approached by a member of the media or would like to schedule media training, please contact the SOPH’s Media Relations Specialist, Hannah Echols, at echolsh@uab.edu.

Submit a Request for News Coverage

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If not, please submit your event to the UAB Campus Calendar

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Please provide any other details available.
Please indicate if your information been already been featured in the media.
Please indicate if you have digital assets.
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