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Format: Online, In-Class

This 15-hour certificate program provides applied knowledge and skills in common statistical analyses and epidemiologic methods. These skills are in high demand in research and academia, in clinical and laboratory settings, in health care organizations, in non-profits and NGOs – anywhere data analysis is used to promote population health. This certificate is ideal for working professionals who want to sharpen their analytic skills as well as for MPH students looking to deepen their quantitative methods training. This certificate can be used as part of UAB’s new Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree Program. Application deadlines for this certificate follow the UAB Graduate School’s application deadlines for Degree-Seeking Students.

Download Curriculum Planning Sheet (pdf)

Admission Requirements:

Graduate students may enroll in the Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology Certificate Program at any time during their graduate course of study at UAB. Any student who wishes to enroll into the Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology Certificate Program is responsible for meeting with his or her departmental coordinator and with the Department of Biostatistics Student Coordinator to ensure that all administrative requirements have been met.

Applicants not currently enrolled at UAB should apply by completing an application through the UAB Graduate School. Currently enrolled UAB graduate students should apply by submitted the following documents to Nicole Cross (nicolen@uab.edu).

Application Requirements:

  • Transcripts from ALL higher education institutions you attended and received college credit (unofficial transcripts will suffice)
  • A bachelor’s degree with an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal statement

Certificate students may apply for the MPH or other degree programs within the UAB School of Public Health and if admitted, the courses taken will be counted towards the completion of the degree program. If you have questions about the program prior to enrolling, please reach out to Nicole Cross at nicolen@uab.edu.

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