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The REGARDS study investigators believe strongly that the breadth of the data collected through REGARDS and potential uses of the data extend substantially beyond the interest and resources of the current investigators. We are a very collaborative team in publications, ancillary studies, and data sharing and encourage you to reach out to a REGARDS investigator to work with you in developing a proposal to use the REGARDS data. We believe that a collaborative approach to research is beneficial to both affiliated and non-affiliated investigators, allowing REGARDS investigators to offer valuable recommendations for research and analytic methodologies given their considerable knowledge base of available data.

Initial contact for questions related to manuscript proposals and ancillary studies should be made through contact with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To see a list of current REGARDS publications, click here: REGARDS Publications

REGARDS publications by year

Manuscript Proposals

There are policies and procedures currently in place to permit access to study data for manuscripts through a review and approval process under the governance of the study Executive Committee. Under these policies and procedures, any investigator at any university can propose a manuscript. These proposals are reviewed by the Executive Committee primarily to provide information and advice from those with a deeper understanding of the study protocol and data availability.

Ancillary Studies

Ancillary studies are welcomed and encouraged. REGARDS investigators are eager to share the study resource and the interest level is high.

Click on the link to review the ancillary studies policies and procedures for more information as well as who to contact with REGARDS to answer additional questions.



Resources for Researchers

  • Policies and Forms for Conducting Analyses
  • Data Collection Forms
  • Variable Listings and Data Dictionaries
  • Citing REGARDS

    When to Cite Us

    Investigators are required to cite REGARDS in publications, posters, and presentations of research which:

    • were supported wholly or in part through funding from REGARDS
    • list authors who used resources, services, or facilities supported by REGARDS
    • utilized manuscript review and/or editing services provided by REGARDS

    Below are some examples of conditions under which you would be required to cite REGARDS:

    • A member of the research team had a consultation with a REGARDS Sponsor.
    • The project utilized manuscript review and/or editing services provided by REGARDS staff.
    • The project was funded at least in part by pilot project or other award funding through REGARDS.
    • The project used technologies provided through REGARDS.
    • A member of the research team accessed trainings provided through REGARDS on methods necessary to complete the research.

    How to Cite Us

    Instructions for lead author/presenter: The text below has been prepared by the REGARDS Executive Committee to acknowledge the new REGARDS co-funding by NINDS and NIA starting in 2018. All publications, posters, oral presentations at scientific meetings, seminars, and any other forum in which results from this co-funded research are presented must include a formal acknowledgement of the NINDS/NIA support, citing the NINDS grant number. While this text may be more suitable for manuscripts, at a minimum, the grant number and co-funding by NINDS and NIA must be included in other types of presentations. Additional text is required if ancillary study funding also supported the research – see guidance below.

    Below is the general acknowledgement text when a representative of NIH is not a co-author:

    The REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke Study (REGARDS) is supported by NS041588, co-funded by the NINDS and the NIA, NIH, Department of Health and Human Service. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NINDS or the NIA. The authors thank the other investigators, the staff, and the participants of the REGARDS study for their valuable contributions. A full list of participating REGARDS investigators and institutions can be found on our About page.

    Optional text authors may wish to include in acknowledgements to demonstrate rigor: According to REGARDS policy, the aims and analysis plan for this manuscript were prespecified and reviewed and approved by the REGARDS publications committee, which also reviewed the final manuscript and assured the a priori plans were followed.

    Optional Data Sharing Statement: REGARDS data are not publicly available due to ethical and legal restrictions. To abide by its obligations with NIH/NINDS and the Institutional Review Board of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, REGARDS facilitates data sharing through data use agreements. Any investigator is welcome to access the REGARDS data, including statistical code, through this process. Requests for data access may be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    For ancillary study manuscripts, see suggested guidance below for additional text. The principal investigator of any ancillary study from which data are used in a manuscript or presentation should be consulted for appropriate acknowledgement of funding source. If you are in doubt as to whether ancillary study data were utilized in your specific analyses, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to inquire and request clarification.

    Additional funding was provided by [name of funding source and grant number XXXXX]. Representatives from [funding source] did not have any role in the design and conduct of the study, the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data, or the preparation or approval of the manuscript. The manuscript was sent to [funding source if applicable] for review prior to submission for publication.