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The College Effect “ The idea that once students are on campus, they’re exposed to higher risk behaviors and are then more likely to participate in them.
– The U.S. Dept. of Education

Research icon

Research shows that family education and intervention before a student enters college reduces the college effect.

Sending your children to college without coaching them about how to deal with drugs and alcohol would be like giving them the keys to the car without teaching them how to drive.
– Joseph A. Califano, How to Raise a Drug Free Kid

Substance Use in College

National research has shown that family members positively impact their student’s alcohol or drug use, especially if families engage in conversations with their students prior to their enrollment in the university. In a recent study of family members of incoming UAB students, almost 97% of respondents indicated that they held a conversation with their student about alcohol, and 94% said that they talked to their student about drug use. However, approximately 42% of incoming students indicated they received ZERO hours of alcohol education prior to arriving at UAB.