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DSS Faculty Portal

Use your Blazer ID campus credentials to log into the DSS Faculty Portal, the online services portal UAB faculty use to review faculty notification letters, review student accommodations by course, confirm testing agreements and schedules, and more!

DSS Faculty Portal

DSS Faculty Portal Tutorial


Why do I need to use the DSS Faculty Portal?

  • Provides a landing page for all accommodation-related information and requests
  • Instructors have access to all Faculty Notification Letters received for a given semester
  • Instructors can view requests related to testing, note-taking, and deaf and hard of hearing accommodations
  • Instructors will be able to view student exam requests, complete the Alternative Testing Agreement, and upload exams
  • Automated emails will streamline DSS Testing Center communications with instructors, including notifications when students cancel or no-show for an exam

Tips for Initiating Interactive Process

Faculty, staff, and supervisors are required to engage in the "interactive process" with students who request accommodations.

  • Consider what is required:
    • Technical standards
    • Course requirements
  • Respond to requests
  • Implement accommodations when reasonable
  • Identify unreasonable requests
  • Ensure DSS awareness/refer students

How to Respond to Accommodation Requests

  • Talk to the student to gather information about their needs.
  • Explain why an accommodation may not be needed due to the nature of the course or clinical setting (example: extended test times in course with no tests or quizzes).
  • Set clear expectations for how the accommodation can be used in a course or clinical setting.
  • If you believe an accommodation may be unreasonable, contact DSS!
  • If a student expresses concerns about how you plan to implement accommodations, contact DSS via email.