Parking Enforcement General Information
Customer Service: 205-934-3513
Fax Number: 205-975-9529
Office Address:
608 8th Street South
Birmingham, Alabama 35294Mailing Address:
CVB 100
1720 20th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35294E-mail Address:
transportation@uab.edu Enforcement Hours
UAB'S parking regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including UAB recognized holidays. Enforcement areas include all University property, as well as public areas.
Enforcement Division
UAB Transportation has a designated group of employees whose sole responsibility is the enforcement of the parking rules and regulations for the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The group has the authority to ticket, and/or immobilize vehicles in violation of the University's parking regulations. UAB has the authority to tow vehicles when deemed necessary to do so.
Citation Fees
Type of Citation
No Valid Permit Displayed
Parking Out-of-Zone or Lot
Expired Permit
Meter Violation/Over-time Parking
Improper Parking (i.e., Double Parking)
Parking in Prohibited Area
Other Parking Violation
$25.00 - $100.00
Parking in Drive
$25.00 - $100.00
Parking in Crosswalk
Parking in ADA space without proper permit
Reviewing and following the regulations can help to eliminate the chances of receiving a parking citation. A full list of the current regulations can be found in Policies and Regulations.
Penalties, Immobilization, Towing, Disciplinary Actions
PenaltiesEach violation of the rules and regulations will subject the violator to a fine, vehicle immobilization, vehicle impoundment, and/or disciplinary action.
*NOTE: Signage or ticket takes precedent over fines listed on this website.
Violations Resulting in Vehicle ImmobilizationThree or more delinquent citations or total delinquent citations higher than $60.00 will result in vehicle immobilization. Situations involving repeated willful violations, unusually flagrant violations, and/or injuring or endangering the safety of persons or property are also subject to immobilization.
Violations Resulting in Vehicle ImpoundmentWhen an unattended vehicle constitutes, or is likely to constitute, a hazard or obstruction to traffic, the vehicle may be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.
Violations Resulting in Possible Disciplinary Action for Employees or Students- Unauthorized transfer of permit or access card.
- Use of a stolen permit.
- Giving false information to obtain parking privileges.
- Unauthorized use of access card or permit.
- Alteration of permits or park cards.
- Fraudulent duplication of permits
- Pay Citations
Appeal Forms
Citation Appeals
Appeals will be accepted up to fourteen days after the citation issue date. Appeals within 14-days of the citation issue date can be made by completing an appeals form online. The appeal must include the individual's return address, Blazer ID, if applicable, and original citation or citation number. A complete description of the circumstances, including maps where appropriate, must be included. The Appeals panel will review submitted appeals the first and third Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. All decisions will be emailed to the appellants. Denied appeals will be subject to the $5.00 late fee. All decisions of the Appeals Panel are final.
City of Birmingham Citations (On-Street Metered Parking)
City of Birmingham Loading Zone Specifications
The City of Birmingham manages on-street parking throughout the campus. UAB Transportation has no authority to resolve parking tickets issued by the City of Birmingham. For more information on City of Birmingham parking tickets, please visit birminghamal.gov.
Citation Fees
Manage Vehicles/Waitlists
Instructions:- Visit the parking portal
- Login to the system with your Blazer ID and password
- Select the “More” drop-down menu from the top banner and select “Vehicles”
- Follow the instructions for completing the process
Entities conducting business on campus on a recurring basis can purchase parking in restricted areas if the public parking decks cannot accommodate their need. The fee for a non-remote permit is $60.68 per month, payable in advance.
Contractors are expected to park all necessary vehicles for a construction job within the site limitations. For those whose job sites are not designated, parking can be purchased in a nearby location, depending on availability. The fee for non-remote parking is $60.68 per month, payable in advance. -
ADA accessible parking is available throughout the UAB campus. UAB follows all State of Alabama ADA guidelines in our public parking areas. To park in a permit-restricted area, special guidelines must be followed
Registering for a UAB ADA Accessible Permit
To apply for a UAB ADA accessible parking permit, the applicant must present the State of Alabama temporary or permanent ADA permit registered in the individual’s name.
Deck Clearances
Clearance Heights for Decks on Campus:
UAB Transportation Facilities Height Clearance 5th Avenue Deck 7 ft, 0 in 6th Avenue Deck – Main Deck 7 ft, 0 in 6th Avenue Deck – Addition 6 ft, 9 in 9th Avenue Deck - Ground Level 8 ft, 2 in 9th Avenue Deck - Levels 1-6 6 ft, 6 in 10th Avenue Deck 6 ft, 8 in 14th Street Deck 7 ft, 6 in 19th Street Deck 6 ft, 8 in Administration Building Deck 6 ft, 4 in University Boulevard (Deck 8) 7 ft, 0 in Zone A (16th Street Deck) – Ground Level 12 ft, 0 in Zone A (16th Street Deck) – Levels 1 - 5 7 ft, 0 in Zone B (12th Street Deck) – Ground 12 ft, 0 in Zone B (12th Street Deck) – Levels 1 - 6 7 ft, 0 in Blount Hall Deck 7 ft, 0 in Other UAB Facilities Height Clearance 4th Avenue Deck 8 ft, 2 in Kirklin Clinic Deck 7 ft, 0 in Daniel Building Deck 6 ft, 8 in Highlands Deck 6 ft, 6 in Highlands POB Deck 6 ft, 8 in Medical Towers Deck 6 ft, 9 in -
Report a Facility Problem
Deck Clearances
All vehicles parking on UAB property must be registered with UAB Transportation and must properly display the appropriate lot permit.
Once registered, a vehicle may be legally parked only in the lot for which its permit is designated with the following exceptions:- Vehicles displaying a valid non-remote employee permit may park in the non-resident surface student lots (Zones B, C, D, E, F, and G).
- Resident permits are valid in the non-resident lots (Zones B, C, D, E, F, and G) after 5 p.m.
- Lot 45 permits are honored in the remote lots.
Any problem relating to parking on campus should be brought to the attention of UAB Transportation. Every effort will be made to correct these problems and improve our parking facilities. We hope that with your cooperation, traffic and parking problems on campus will be minimized.
A. AUTHORITY: By virtue of the powers granted to the Board of Trustees by the Constitution, the Board of trustees has the authority to adopt and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations for the management and governance of the institution. These powers may be delegated to various University officials for the governance of students and the administration of University Affairs, Ref: Alabama Code SS16-47-2, 234(1975).
The responsibility of obtaining knowledge of all laws and regulations in force rests with the motor vehicle operator. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to be familiar with and abide by these regulations. The fact that a violation notice is not issued when a vehicle is illegally parked does not mean or imply that the regulations or laws are no longer in effect. -
B. REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES: The Parking Office, located in the Remote Parking Facility, 608 Eighth Street South, is open for vehicle registration Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Requirements for registration as an employee/student parking patron are as follows:
Completion of Parking Permit Record Form Payment of parking fee or arrangements for payroll deduction or student billing A valid employee/student ID number -
C. PERMITS: Hang Tag Permit Policy
- Only one hang tag permit may be issued to each registered parker.
- The car of primary use must be registered with parking office.
- The hang tag permit may be transferred to any car the registered parker is driving.
- Failure to properly display one’s hang tag is grounds for issuance of a parking citation.
- Lost hang tag permits may only be replaced by purchasing a new permit at full fee unless a fee has already been specified, i.e., $100.00 fee for loss of on-call, OB permit, etc.
- Use of a hang tag permit acquired through fraudulent, or otherwise improper means may be considered theft of service from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
- All parking materials remain property of UAB.
D. MOTORCYCLES/BICYCLES: Motorcycles are subject to all regulations governing parking of motor vehicles on the campus. Motorcycles must be parked in dead spaces or areas marked for motorcycles within the facilities. City and State laws pertaining to bicycles will be observed. Bicycles will be parked in racks where they are provided. At buildings where there are no racks or racks are completely filled, bicycles will be parked in such a manner where they will not obstruct pedestrian traffic at entrance ways or on sidewalks. Bicycles will not be allowed in University buildings. Bicycles in violation will be impounded by the University Police.
E. CHANGE OF STATUS: It shall remain the responsibility of the registered UAB parker to notify Parking and Transportation Services of any change of status, i.e., name, school, position, address, shift, leave of absence, sabbatical leave, etc. No refunds of parking fees will be made for failure to notify the department of a change in employment status.
F. DELETION OF PARKING: All parking materials (decals, permits, parkcards) must be returned to Parking and Transportation Services before a parker is removed from the Parking System or refunded for unused time. Failure to return all parking materials will result in continued parking fee deduction and/or being invoiced for payment. Parking cannot be cancelled over the phone.
G. VISITOR: Free passes are provided for visitors to campus that need to park in areas requiring permit. Call 934-3513 for more information.
H. HANDICAPPED PARKING: Special parking arrangements may be made for handicapped employees and students with a valid state handicap permit or tag. Those who need special parking accommodations due to temporary disability must also have a valid state temporary handicap permit. A registration receipt is required with the handicap permit to show the name of the registered permit or tag holder. A special validation is needed for any UAB permit used with a state handicap permit for parking in a non-public handicap space within a UAB parking facility. Doctor's letters are not accepted for handicap parking you must obtain a State issued handicap placard. Parking will be assigned based on availability. All parking rules apply with the use of a handicap space, including meters or other reserved spaces on-campus.
I. AVAILABILITY OF PARKING SPACE: Spaces within lots are not reserved but are available on a first come first served basis. The number of spaces within each lot or lot system is normally adequate to accommodate all authorized vehicles. The inability to find a legal parking space will not be accepted as a defense for violations.
J. CONFERENCES, INSTITUTES AND MEETINGS: Visitors to the campus who are attending conferences, institutes, workshops and meetings will be provided parking upon request from the sponsoring department, availability of space, and payment of applicable fees. See Special Event parking on the website for more information.
K. BUS SERVICE: A valid UAB ID badge is required to board buses. This allows free access to the campus Blazer Express transit system that serves the campus commuting purpose. A copy of the bus route and schedule can be obtained on our website or contact Parking and Transportation Services at 205-934-3513.
L. MOTORIST ASSISTED ROADSIDE SERVICE: Hours of operation 7:30 a.m.–10 p.m., Monday–Friday. Call 205-975-6277 for this free service.
M. RESERVATION OF SPACE: The University of Alabama at Birmingham reserves the right to set aside areas for special events, i.e., concerts, athletic events, parades, etc., in all parking areas of the University campus. The University further reserves the right to temporally block certain areas of streets and/or parking lots to facilitate repairs to same, without prior notice to the general public.
N. ENFORCEMENT HOURS: Parking permits are required in all lots 24 hours per day, Monday through Friday, with the exception of student lot 15 after 5 pm. Other restrictions within lots are in effect at all times, e.g. handicap spaces, no parking zones, etc.
O. GENERAL REGULATIONS: All City ordinances and State statues governing the use of motor vehicles shall be observed at all times.
Parking permits must correspond to the proper parking zone and be displayed in the vehicle.
Motor vehicles must be parked in designated parking spaces in all campus parking areas. Parking on or over a line is a violation of regulations.
Driving or parking on the grass or sidewalks and parking or standing (idling) at crosswalks is prohibited.
Double parking in designated parking areas or zones is prohibited.
If a vehicle is found in violation of any of the above listed regulations and the identity of the driver cannot be determined, the person in whose name the vehicle is registered shall be held responsible.
In any case in which University parking signs are inconsistent with these regulations, the instruction on the signs takes precedence.
Loading zones on campus have a one hour limit unless a different time limit is specified by signage on-site. -
P. STORED/ABANDON VEHICLES: Due to space limitation, UAB parking facilities are not for long term storage of vehicles. Therefore, if a vehicle is parked at a UAB facility without being moved for at least ten days, giving the appearances of being abandoned, it may be impounded at owners’ expense. This includes vehicles which are properly permitted.
Q. METER VIOLATIONS: Meter rates vary by location. Decals or permits, including handicapped permits, are subject to meter violations.
R. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS: Each violation of the above parking and traffic regulations will subject the violator to a fine, impoundment of vehicle, and/or prosecution/disciplinary action.
Violations which may result in disciplinary actions:- Unauthorized transfer or sale of decal, permit, or park cards;
- Use of stolen permit;
- Giving false information to obtain parking privileges;
- Unauthorized use of park card or permit;
- Alteration of permits or park cards;
- Failure to pay citations by unpermitted parkers;
- Employees using student permits for primary parking;
- Use of a handicap permit that is not assigned to the driver.
- Causing damage to gates or gate arms.
Parking and Transportation Services reserves the right to revoke the parking privileges of anyone who commits any of the above violations or who continually violates parking regulations as stated elsewhere in this handbook.
The nature of the individual violation and the fines will be clearly indicated on the face of the citation. All citations are reflected in the parking accumulation record of the violator. -
S. FINES, IMMOBILIZATION, AND/OR IMPOUNDING OF VEHICLES: Vehicles in violation of parking regulations are subject to a fine, immobilization, and/or impounding.. The University Police are authorized to remove, at owner’s expense, vehicles from the University streets, parking areas, or other areas on University property to such place of safety as the Department may direct under the following circumstances and subject to the following conditions:
- When a vehicle is determined to be in violation of specific parking regulations, has three or more delinquent citations charged against it, has a delinquent balance of $45 or more, or has been issued a “tow warning” sticker.
- In cases involving repeated willful violations, unusually flagrant violations, and/or injuring or endangering the safety of persons or property.
- When a vehicle is left unattended and constitutes or is likely to constitute a hazard or obstruction to traffic.
- When in the opinion of the University Police, a vehicle should be removed in the interest of safety of persons or property because of fire, flood, storm, or other emergency reasons.
- Abandonment of an immobilized vehicle for five or more days.
T. PAYMENT OF FINES: All UAB fines are payable on or before the date indicated on the face of the citation. All fines not paid on or before this date shall be considered delinquent and may result in automatic payroll deduction for employees or the addition of the fine to student accounts for registered parkers. Payment of fines for citations sent to payroll or student accounting will not be accepted by Parking and Transportation Services. A late payment fee of $5.00 for each citation will be added to all delinquent citations. Payments can be made at our website or by mailing to our office at 1720 2nd Avenue South; Birmingham, Alabama 35294-4550.
All City of Birmingham citations must be paid in accordance with the procedures on the back of the citation. City tickets cannot be handled at the Department of Parking and Transportation Services. -
U. APPEAL PROCEDURE: Any individual receiving a UAB citation has the right to appeal the citation. The UAB Appeals Panel with membership from the University staff, faculty, graduate and undergraduate bodies meets regularly to hear appeals. Appeals must be made in writing by the date indicated on the citation. The decision of the Appeals Panel is final.
V. LIMITS OF LIABILITY: The University of Alabama at Birmingham assumes no responsibility for loss due to: fire, theft, collision, or otherwise to a vehicle that is in a UAB parking lot or deck.