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UABTeach Science | Technology | Engineering | Mathematics
Heritage Hall building in the background with four UABTeach icons (engineering - three grears, math - Pi symbol, science - microscope, technology - robot arm).

UABTeach Mentor Teachers

Who are Mentor Teachers?

Group of 20 mentor teachers posing on stairwell in Heritage Hall.

UABTeach Mentor Teachers are highly qualified and effective elementary, middle, and high school teachers who allow our program students into their classrooms to gain firsthand experience in working with students. They collaborate on lesson topics, review lesson plans, and provide feedback to UABTeach students. Mentor Teachers also value and foster a positive classroom community. 

Benefits of Becoming a Mentor Teacher

UABTeach Mentors receive professional development and an opportunity to network with other mentors and, most importantly, assist in the preparation of the next generation of STEM educators.

We are thankful for the knowledge and expertise shared by all of those who help prepare UABTeach students to enter a world of professional opportunities.

Partner School Districts

UABTeach currently partners with Birmingham City, Homewood City, Hoover City, and Jefferson County school districts. We are grateful for our relationships with partner districts.

The UAB Teach Student

UABTeach students are math, science, computer science (B.S), and engineering majors that have selected teaching as a career option. . Most are not in an official Teacher Education program yet; they are freshmen and sophomores being exposed to teaching for the first time.

Our students understand the 5E instructional model and will always use it to guide their lessons. UABTeach students are expected to improve their overall planning and instruction based on feedback from their mentor teacher.

Resources for Current Mentor Teachers

  • edTPA

    UABTeach Mentor Teachers can play a key role in helping UABTeach students prepare for passing edTPA. UABTeach students submit for edTPA during their Apprentice (Student) Teaching, typically in their last semester, but they can be building the skills they need for edTPA success in each of their UABTeach school placements.

    Passing edTPA becomes a requirement in Fall 2018 for all newly certified teachers in Alabama. edTPA is a performance of teaching consisting of three parts:

    • planning an instructional sequence of three to five lessons
    • capturing 20 minutes of teaching in a public school classroom from the sequence
    • assessing one sample of student work collected during the lesson sequence. The submissions is assessed at the national level.

    Preparing UABTeach Students for edTPA

    UABTeach is embedding edTPA preparation for our students into the rollout of all of our courses so that UABTeach students will be successful with this new, rigorous assessment of new teachers’ abilities. Across their education coursework, UABTeach students will build the skills for planning, teaching, and assessing required by edTPA. Good synergy exists between edTPA requirements and the UTeach curriculum, especially a focus on inquiry-based teaching.

    Following are a few key things Mentor Teachers can do:

    • Become familiar edTPA at a basic level by visiting its website.
    • Help UABTeach students see the range of abilities and challenges your students bring to learning math and science. Planning for edTPA is most successful when it dovetails with the needs and interests of real students in real classrooms.
    • Guide UABTeach students as they prepare to teach by inquiry in your class and debrief with them about how they can improve their inquiry teaching. Their edTPA videos must show them successfully teaching by inquiry, and the more teaching experience they can have before their edTPA submission, the more prepared they will be.
    • Model good formative assessment practices with your students, involving your UABTeach interns in any way you can. Assessment in edTPA focuses on authentic, formative assessments (not paper-and-pencil tests), and multiple examples from your classroom of rich, meaningful assessments are critical to helping UABTeach students envision and execute the assessment they will submit to edTPA.

    edTPA Resources

  • Lesson Planning Resources

    Step 1 (Elementary School) Lessons

    Step 2 (Middle School) Lessons

  • Feedback and Final Evaluation Forms


    Step 1 (Grades 3-5): Inquiry Approaches to Teaching


    Step 2 (Grades 6-8): Inquiry-Based Lesson Design


    Knowing and Learning


    Classroom Interactions


  • Other Forms

    Mentor Teacher Expectations

    IRS Forms


    Mentor Teacher Course Involvement

    • The Mentor Teacher Course Involvement document gives a breakdown of each UABTeach course field experience requirements, and the grade level UABTeach student teachers are expected to work with for each respective course.