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Do I Need to

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Registration FAQ


Frequently asked questions about
registering your program.

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Your Program

Complete this form in order to register your program. Register your program with UAB today.


Youth Protection at UAB: What to Expect

All faculty, staff, students, graduate assistants, contractors, or volunteers who work in any activities or programs for, or that include, youth participants will be subject to the UAB Protection of Children Policy. Activities or programs include but are not limited to overnight camps, instructional programs, community service, laboratory interns, day camps, academic camps, and sports camps whether operated on or off-campus.

UAB’s Protection of Children Policy applies to:

  • any event, operation or endeavor operated, conducted, or organized by any unit/organization that is supported or affiliated with the UAB or occurring on UAB property.
  • that includes individuals under the age of 18
  • where parent/guardians are not expected to be responsible for care, custody, or control of their children

Registration Requirements

All activities and programs, including virtual programs with youth participants that fall under UAB’s Protection of Children Policy must register their program with the Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration at least eight weeks prior to the start date of the activity or program.

Any individuals that are working for a program or activity that has youth participants must be part of a registered program. Each staff member must be registered individually with the completion of an annual background and social media check and annual completion of the Youth Protection training module.

All activities or programs, both UAB and third party hosted, must have a UAB Program Contact. This individual represents the department, school, or student organization and is responsible for the direction or operation of the activities or programs. In the case of third-party activities or programs, this person serves as the liaison between UAB and the third-party personnel.

Additional third-party requirements include:

  • Establish a contractual relationship with the University for the use of facilities and/or resources
  • Provide evidence of insurance coverage in accordance with the requirements outlined by the Office of the Senior Vice-President of Finance and Administration  (General Insurance Requirements)
  • Be sponsored by or affiliated with a UAB department, college or recognized student organization and have a designated UAB Program Contact
  • Operate under the administrative purview of a UAB department

Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy or the requirements of this program will result in the loss of program privileges at The University of Alabama at Birmingham.

For more information regarding the policy, contact:

Office of the Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration
Phone: (205) 934-5493
Email: youthprotect@uab.edu