Explore UAB


Module Descriptions



What's going on outside today? Can you keep accurate records to help you make predictions?  Why does it rain? Where does the water come from? Will it rain or snow tomorrow? Can I walk on clouds? Explore the weather



Compare similarities and differences of trees and leaves. Help plant and care for a tree temporarily in the classroom, then permanently in the schoolyard. Observe changes in trees through the year. Compare sizes, edges, shapes of leaves. Use drawing, oral language

Balls and Ramps

Insights-Kendall Hunt

Observe, use, and compare different balls. Construct balls to learn about materials, size, and weight. Explore how balls are affected by gravity, inertia, momentum, and friction.

Living Things

Insights-Kendall Hunt

Build on curiosity for natural world; observe changes in tree or bush; look at plants and animals living nearby; discuss animals' needs and interdependence; build classroom terraria.



Air and Weather


Construct parachutes. Observe the usable pressure supplied by compressed air. Us bubbles, pinwheels, and anemometers to measure wind speed. Compare daily, monthly, and seasonal weather conditions. Monitor air and weather conditions.

New Plants


Become aware of diversity of forms in plant kingdom. Provide for the needs of growing plants. Observe & describe changes as plants grow & organize. Write observations on a calendar & in a journal.

Balance and Motion


We live in a dynamic world where everything is in motion, or so it seems. But not everything is moving the same way. Some things move from one place to another. Other things go around and around in a rotational motion. Still other things are stationary, stable for a time, balanced on a thin line between stop and go. These are the global phenomena that students experience in this module, Balance and Motion.

Animals Two by Two


Observe and care for three animals from different habitats; learn what behaviors and structures enable them to survive in a particular habitat. Study a fourth classroom animal: the human. Conduct an animal research project and present findings to the class.



Solids and Liquids


How do solids and liquids behave? What are the characteristics of solids and liquids? Observe their interactions



Care for the plants & animals of 2 habitats: woodlands & freshwater. Construct a terrarium & aquarium. Observe the plants and animals in natural & model settings to understand the interdependence between organisms and their environment.

Balancing and Weighing


Have you and your students explored relationships between balance and weight? Do equal volumes of different materials always have the same weight? Use a fulcrum, build a mobile, solve math problems, and learn the hands-on way



What are the chief components of soil? Investigate sand, clay, and humus and explore the relationship between soil and plant growth.  Create a compost bag and observe the decomposition of organic materials over time. Introduce earthworms to your classroom to learn about their connection to plant roots and soil. Dig into soils



Earth Materials


Investigate  a "mock rock" and learn the difference between a rock and a mineral. Which common rocks contain calcite? Can you identify a mineral by its crystal? And what's a scratch test? Become a rock-hound after digging around.

Human Body


Discover the wonder of movement provided by an articulated skeleton. Build models to show how muscles allow humans provided by an articulated skeleton. Build models to show how muscles allow humans to move. Find out how fast you respond with your hands and feet. Dissect an owl pellet to identify the bones of its prey.

Chemical Tests


Explore the science of chemistry. Identify 5 common chemicals: sugar, alum, talc, baking soda, and cornstarch by noting how the powders interact with water, vinegar, iodine, & red cabbage juice. Witness crystallization, evaporation, and filtration.

Plant Growth & Development


Observe each stage in the life cycle of a plant. Watch Brassica plants germinate, mature, and go to seed within a 40-day period. Cross-pollinate flowers with dried honeybees and harvest mature seeds. Determine yields. Use chars and graphs.

Life Cycle of Butterflies


Have you ever watched a tiny caterpillar's transformation into an adult butterfly? You and your students will witness a dramatic example of the growth and change characteristic of living things when you observe the changes in the life of the Painted Lady



Physics of Sound


Investigate sound as a product of a vibrating object and explore the variables that determine pitch and amplification. Compare how sounds travel and how they get from a source to a receiver. Observe how electricity can produce sound

Animal Studies


Learn why animals look and act the way they do in this life science unit for grades 3-5. Students will construct and maintain three habitats and learn about the fascinating organisms that will call them home. Careful observations of the structures and behaviors of aquatic frogs, amphibious crabs, and terrestrial millipedes will demonstrate what an animal depends on to survive. Investigations will reinforce that, although these creatures are distinct, they have common needs. Student thinking will be extended to help them understand how they are also animals adapted to their environment.

Electrical Circuits


Learn properties of electricity, conductors and insulators, explore series and parallel circuits, switches, diodes; make a working filament; diagram electric circuits, make hidden circuits; design and construct a flashlight ; wire a cardboard "house".

Motion and Design


Learn why objects go and stop in this physical science unit for grades 3-5. Students use K'NEX® sets exclusive to STC to build model cars from accurate technical drawings, or designed to meet specific challenges. Not only will your class learn how to make a car go fast or far, but how to carry a load, resist air, and more.




Solar Energy


Experience solar energy firsthand and investigate the variables that affect solar energy transfer. Apply mathematics in the context of science. Construct and observe terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems into one system called an ecocolumn. Discover how altering one resource impacts other, and apply this to a larger ecosystem.



Accompany your students to the smallest of worlds as you become familiar with magnifiers and microscopes. Examine common objects as well as microscopic life forms. You'll see volvox, blepharisma, and other microorganisms. And what are vinegar eels, anyway? Enter that small world.



Help your students understand cause-and-effect relationships between objects and events. Have fun with pendulums, boats, airplanes, and catapults as you fling, float, fly, and flip objects to discover relationships in each hands-on activity! Explore one variable at a time.



Construct and observe terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems into one system called an ecocolumn. Discover how altering one resource impacts others, and apply this to a larger ecosystem.



Catastrophic Events


Catastrophic Events is organized into three parts: Storms, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes. A conceptual sequence chart for the module appears under Downloads.

Earth in Space


Earth in Space taps the innate curiosity that middle school students about our nearest neighbor—the Moon—and about planets, their moons, the Sun, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids within our solar system. They will discover what they already know about the solar system and Earth as a planet and will have the opportunity to perform a series of engaging inquiry-centered activities through which they extend and enrich this knowledge.



Organisms - From Macro to Micro


Organisms—From Macro to Micro is organized into three parts: The Beginning, Continuing the Cycle, and Completing the Cycle. A conceptual sequence chart for the module appears under Downloads.
work with a minimum of 16 living organisms during the unit's 20 lessons.

Human Body Systems


Human Body Systems is organized into three parts: The Digestive System, The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems, and The Musculoskeletal System. A conceptual sequence chart for the module appears under Downloads on the webpage link.



Energy, Machines, and Motion


Energy, Machines, and Motion is organized into these three parts. A conceptual sequence chart for the module appears under Downloads on the webpage link.

Properties of Matter


Properties of Matter is organized into three parts: Characteristic Properties of Matter; Mixtures and Solutions; and Compounds, Elements, and Chemical Reactions. A conceptual sequence chart for the module appears under Downloads on the webpage link.