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The nursing scholarship is designed for students pursuing a degree in nursing. Students may apply for the scholarship their senior year in high school or any time after beginning college. The ROTC nursing scholarships are awarded to students demonstrating progress toward acceptance into a nursing program and to students accepted into the nursing program. Cadets with a ROTC nursing scholarship give priority to their nursing courses and rotations.

nursing inline h 800x640px>Benefits:

  • 100% tuition or room & board
  • $1,200 yearly book allowance
  • ROTC monthly stipend $300-$500 a month
  • All equipment and fees are reimbursed
  • Free study materials and NCLEX

Additional Education

Nursing is a dynamic profession. Skills and professional knowledge must be constantly updated. The Army Nurse Corps recognizes that earning your BSN is an achievement to be proud of and is committed to providing educational opportunities so you may continue to enhance your abilities, interests and knowledge. Once you become an Army Nurse, you may apply for specialty courses such as:

  • Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing - This 22-week course is designed to prepare you with the necessary knowledge of clinical skills to deliver care and treatment to psychiatric patients. Development of the qualities of understanding and compassion are stressed, along with proficiency in communications skills.
  • Preoperative Nursing - This 16-week course is designed to prepare junior nurse officers to function as first-level staff nurses in the operating room (OR). It also focuses on the OR nurse's responsibilities in the preparation and sterilization of supplies/equipment; special fields of surgery; and the principles and techniques of supervision and management of the operating room.
  • Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing - This 16-week course is designed to provide you the necessary knowledge and clinical skills required to deliver nursing care to pregnant women, newborn infants and patients with gynecological problems.
  • Critical Care Nursing - This 16-week course is designed to prepare nurses as entry-level critical care staff nurses in intensive care settings.

And once you have obtained career status and met eligibility criteria, you may apply for selection to graduate degree programs such as Anesthesia Nursing or Health Care Administration, or graduate education at the school of your choice.

Selection Process

Selection of winners is based on academic record, SAT or ACT test results, school officials' evaluations, extra-curricular leadership and athletics, a personal interview and a physical aptitude exam. The Army needs medical professionals, and anyone demonstrating progress toward a nursing degree should qualify for a nursing scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements

You're eligible for the ROTC nursing scholarship if you're a full-time student in or preparing for the nursing program and meet the following requirements:

  • Will be seventeen before the scholarship is effective.
  • Have taken the SAT or ACT no later than November of the year you apply, and have a minimum 850 SAT or composite nineteen ACT.
  • Have a minimum 2.5 high school GPA.
  • Participate in leadership, extracurricular and athletic activities (a part time job earns you substitute credit).
  • Be under 30 years of age by graduation. Waivers can be granted if you are under 39 years of age by graduation.
  • Agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army.
  • Pursue an Army-approved nursing program.
  • Meet required physical standards.


As a winner of a nursing scholarship, you're required to take an ROTC class, which demands a few hours of your time each week. Upon graduation, you have an obligation to accept a commission and serve full-time in the Active Army, or part-time in either the Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve.


The application due date is at the beginning of senior year for high school students pursuing a career in nursing. College students may apply any time. There's no downside risk for applying early.

Need additional information or an application? Contact Cassandra Tony at (205) 266-0176 or roo@uab.edu.