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Stimulants are considered a “twin epidemic” with opioids as use of methamphetamine has quadrupled form 2011 to 2017. Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants is also increasing, particularly among young adults without ADHD who may use these substances for cognitive enhancement to improve academic performance. We are developing novel interventions, including novel behavioral approaches and pharmacotherapy medications, as currently no FDA approved medications exist to treat stimulant use disorders.

Ongoing Studies

Psilocybin Facilitated Treatment of Cocaine Dependence: A Pilot Trial
(PI: Dr. Peter Hendricks; Funding: Hefner Foundation)

This pilot projects will be a randomized double-blind comparison between active psilocybin treatment and active placebo combined with cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of cocaine use disorder. Outcomes of interest include feasibility, acceptability and initial efficacy of psilocybin in treating cocaine use disorder.

Learn more about Peter Hendricks

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