Explore UAB

graphic design

Graphic design is a field with many diverse opportunities. A designer might work in advertising, publishing, web design, multimedia, television or film, animation, and exhibition design, or any number of other fields. Consequently, the graphic design curriculum at UAB is grounded in the foundations of art and developed in a solid range of graphic design and related courses. It provides students the opportunities to learn concepts and skills necessary to create competitive graphic design portfolios, improve presentation skills, and gain knowledge of professional practices.

Our award-winning students have gone on to practice locally, nationally and internationally.

For more information, you can contact the Graphic Design Area Head Doug Barrett.

BLOOM Studio

BLOOM is a student-run, design studio that focuses on “DESIGN FOR GOOD” projects for local non-profits, and un­der-served communities. Each semester students apply to participate in the studio. BLOOM students work directly with clients and community members on projects ranging from ecology, eco­nomic development, and social services. BLOOM students have done research and created design work for many pressing needs and initiatives.

BLOOM Studio is the outcome of a growing initiative within the global graphic design community to use the designer’s toolset and processes as a way to find solutions to the most pressing needs in our communities. This movement is called “DESIGN for GOOD.“ Design for Good is an internationally recognized design initiative. BLOOM celebrates the idea of giving back and good citizenship.

BLOOM is an immersive experience which includes on the ground research, client and community meetings, and presentations. BLOOM students are idea people. We don’t just style decisions that have already been made. We use the design thinking model to understand the problem before any design work begins.

We are looking for creative partners; clients who understand the benefits of a deep invest­ment in time and energy that the Design Thinking process entails. Our ideal client wants to work shoulder to shoulder with our students as equal participants. Clients willing to work this way are themselves more invested in a better outcome.

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