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Department Overview

Communicating effectively is an essential part of what it means to be an educated person. It is our central mission to educate UAB students about communication. We offer both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in communication and mass media. We offer specific degrees in communication management, public relations, broadcasting, journalism, and sports communication. We prioritize excellence in instruction in all our courses and degree programs. Our faculty are leaders in a variety of research areas relevant to communication.

Learn More About UsAward-winning Student GroupsAccelerated Bachelor's/Master's Program
Why should I major in Communication?

Why should I major in Communication?

A Communication degree is immensely valuable and flexible. Regardless of your future career path, communication skills are guaranteed to be some of the most important, if not the most important, qualities your employer is looking for. Knowing how to communicate in person, in writing, or across other platforms is critical to your personal and professional success.

Why should I minor in Communication?

Why should I minor in Communication?

Even if your major is in a seemingly unrelated field—like STEM disciplines or fine arts—a minor in Communication is the perfect pairing. Because everyone needs to have strong communications skills, including healthcare professionals, scientists, programmers, software developers, and more.

Why should I consider graduate school in Communication?

Why should I consider graduate school in Communication?

Our graduate program is one of the top programs in the nation with many of the field's top scholars on our faculty. We're also a leader in faculty publications, an indicator of the quality of our research and scholarship. Whether you're looking for a degree to enhance your professional communications skills or the next step on your academic path, you'll find success at UAB.

Latest News

  • Eight UAB students will study abroad as 2024 Gilman Scholars
    Studying abroad as a Gilman Scholar helps students gain professional skills, build language proficiencies and develop knowledgeable perspectives of the world to help them succeed in their careers.
  • Toast the success of businesses owned or managed by UAB graduates on June 13
    The UAB Excellence in Business Top 25 program, presented by the UAB National Alumni Society, each year recognizes the fastest-growing and most successful businesses owned or managed by UAB graduates.
  • Students, graduates of UAB’s award-winning public relations program command attention
    Awards and honors continue for the PRCA/PRSSA at UAB chapter, where students put their classroom learning into real-world practice, preparing them for careers and vaulting them into the professional world.

Chair’s Comment and Suggestion Box

If you have anonymous comments, suggestions, questions, or feedback for Dr. Levine, the Chair of Communication Studies, please fill out the form below and submit. Comments are welcome on topics such as class offerings, degree requirements, and specific classes or instructors. If you would like a reply, please include your name and email. Otherwise, anonymous comments are welcome.

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