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Fan Yang

Assistant Professor fanyang@uab.edu
Heritage Hall 333
(205) 975-2903

Research and Teaching Interests: Health Communication, Persuasion, and Social Influence, Campaigns and Message Design, Intercultural Communication, Organizational Communication, Research Methods

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., China Youth University for Political Sciences, Mass Communication
  • M.A., University of Miami, Communication Studies
  • Ph.D., University of Miami, Communication Studies

Fan Yang’s research interests focus primarily on health-related persuasive message design, dissemination, and evaluation for culturally diverse populations, particularly within the area of cancer communication. She is interested in exploring how innovative communication channels (e.g., interactive data visualizations and emerging media) could help enhance public understanding of health and risk information from scientific studies, and therefore, facilitate positive improvements in health-related behaviors.

Fan has taught a variety of courses in the area of communication, including health communication, persuasion, and social influence, intercultural communication, organizational communication, and communication theory. She finds teaching to be both engaging and enlightening practice and strives to craft lectures in a way that makes class time more valuable, and lecture material more relevant to students’ needs and careers after college.