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Assistantships, Fellowships & Financial Aid

The UAB campus at night.

Financial aid is available in the form of Teaching Assistantships (TAs), Research Assistantships (RAs), and Fellowships. There are no forms to fill out to request financial aid from the department. The majority of admitted doctoral students are offered either RAs or TAs. Admitted MS students are automatically considered for merit-based TAs and will be notified by the graduate program director if they receive one. Other sources of support, such as RAs, are available as individual faculty's funding permits. Students need to contact individual faculty for RA openings.

The vast majority of our master's students are successful in obtaining on-campus employment to pay for their studies during their first year in the program. Some are also supported by department funds. It is worth noting that Birmingham’s cost of living is lower than other comparable cities.

Tuition and fees information can be found on the UAB Students webpage. To learn more about on-campus living options, please visit the UAB Students Housing and Residence Life website.

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