BPR 43 | 2016
Maybe Time meant to tell us and forgot.
Maybe it’s more like penalty we pay.
It could have told us. Something it did not
Explain is why we only get one shot
And why it doesn’t go the other way.
Maybe Time meant to tell us and forgot.
We don’t step in the same creek twice; the hot
Plate cools; we know the sun will go away.
It could have told us something it did, not
What we did in it, severing the knot
When time ran out on us, on what to say.
Maybe Time meant to tell us and forgot.
We know the resolution to the plot.
That isn’t very helpful day to day.
It could have told us something it did not.
We recognize the hand upon our twat.
But what about the lions, the green bay?
Maybe Time meant to tell us and forgot.
It could have told us something. It did not.