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Cover of BPR 44.


Birmingham Poetry Review is published annually in the spring. Subscriptions are $15.00 per year. Back issues are $10.00. Both require an additional $5.00 for shipping and handling.

New Feature! Subscribe Online! You can now subscribe to BPR online. Choose from one-, two-, and three-year subscriptions and pay with a credit card. You can also join Friends of the BPR through the store and buy select back issues.


Friends of BPR

To become a Friend of Birmingham Poetry Review, donors may make a tax-deductible contribution of $50 or more. This contribution also entitles donors to a two-year subscription to the journal.


All checks must be made payable to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Mail to:

1720 2nd Avenue South
UH 5024
Birmingham, AL 35294-1260