Explore UAB

"Dr.Liu takes notes as his students present their final projects"You may already have a major, but you're still looking for a useful minor to round out your studies. A minor in History is a great choice, whether you're majoring in political science, English, communications, or even the physical and natural sciences.

History pairs well with every other discipline because it provides an understanding of how we came to be where we are today. It teaches you research, writing, and analytical skills that you will use throughout your life and that will be valued by future employers. And with only 18 required credit hours and a wide range of course offerings, the History Department’s minor is the perfect choice for students who have especially demanding major requirements.

But the main reason to consider the minor is simply that history is fun. You learn about people, famous and not-so-famous. You learn about cultures and fashions and food. There are stories to explore, mysteries to be solved, and puzzles to be answered.


A complete list of minor requirements and courses are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.