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Interdisciplinary Innovation Team Proposals

Each academic year, the College solicits Interdisciplinary Team Proposals. Available awards will be valued at up to $30,000 for a maximum duration of up to one year. Only CAS faculty members are eligible to serve as a Principal Investigator (PI) on these proposals. We encourage PIs from CAS to team up with faculty from other schools and/or other units across the UAB campus. However, we will also support proposals from interdisciplinary teams with PIs from different departments within CAS. The focus will be on addressing an important problem that crosses disciplinary boundaries and requires innovative interdisciplinary approaches. One PI from CAS will serve as a contact responsible for reporting purposes and for administration of the grant budget. All full-time CAS faculty members in tenure- earning or tenured status are eligible to serve as PIs for this program. 

View the application guideline for additional information.

Submission Deadlines and Questions

The deadline for this year’s competition is Friday, November 1, 2024. Please e-mail completed applications to Dr. Liou Y. Sun, CAS Faculty Research Fellow leosun@uab.edu. We look forward to receiving your ideas for the CAS Interdisciplinary Team Awards.


Liou Y. Sun, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biology; CAS Faculty Leadership Fellow
(205) 934-8243

Haddin Arts & Sciences Forum

The College of Arts and Sciences requests proposals to present a Haddin Forum during the 2024-2025 academic year. The Haddin Forum is an interdisciplinary forum where UAB College of Arts and Sciences faculty present their ongoing research and scholarship to an audience of faculty, staff, and student colleagues from across the College. The goal is to offer scholarship that is interdisciplinary and translatable to a broad audience, celebrating and elevating the intellectual vibrancy present in the academic atmosphere of a College of Arts and Sciences.

Speakers generally share their research for about 40 minutes and allow 20 minutes for interdisciplinary intellectual exchange and questions and answers.

Faculty interested in proposing to deliver a lecture during the 2024-2025 academic year should submit an abstract of their proposed presentation (300-600 words) by 5:00 pm on Friday, August 30, 2024. Proposals should be submitted to Associate Dean John K. Moore, Jr. at jkmoore@uab.edu.

The Dean’s Office will review all submissions and select proposals that best reflect the diversity of scholarship in the College. Priority will be given to junior faculty members, to faculty members from departments that have not offered presentations in the past two years, to topics of broad and timely interest, and to proposals that might appeal to an interdisciplinary audience of individuals. Presentations that cover more than one field of inquiry, inspire novel or renewed dialogue between disciplines, and/or address content that impact our daily experience, our intellectual lives, and our varied communities are hallmarks of the Haddin Forum.

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