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College of Arts and Sciences Strategic Plan 2024-2028

Learn more about the College’s plan, pillars, and metrics for success.

The new Science And Engineering Complex

In July 2023, the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) initiated a strategic planning process with the support of Clarus Consulting. Through this process, the College aimed to set a strategic direction that will energize its community members across all 19 departments and align with UAB’s Forging Ahead opens a new website plan for 2024-2028. Ultimately, the work resulted in a strategic plan that will guide the overall direction of the College and serve as a touchstone for decision-making over the next five years. Explore the plan below, hear from Dean Kecia M. Thomas opens a new website on CAS News, and learn more about the process.


The College of Arts and Sciences ensures that each student leaves UAB with the knowledge and tools to succeed in an expanding and increasingly connected world.


Foundational Values

Throughout the planning and data-gathering process two unique College values emerged which supplement the University’s shared values of Collaborate, Act with Integrity, Respect All, and Excel. The two additional CAS values center on Viability and Organizational Health.

Community members expressed a value of openness and transparency related to resource allocation and the strategic alignment of resources with College priorities, especially in light of a complex and rapidly changing higher education landscape. Community members also elevated the importance of our diverse learners’ academic and psychosocial needs, given the isolating experience of the pandemic, as well as the importance of attending to the wellness of the faculty and staff that serve them.

Viability (illustration of two yellow spheres on a green balancing been on the point of a green triangle).

Organizational Health (illustration of green paper dolls in front of a yellow building with many windows).

Strategic Plan Overview

The CAS Strategic Plan is structured around three pillars:

  1. Student Success,
  2. Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, and
  3. Community Engagement. 

Goals, objectives, activities, and metrics are presented for each pillar separately. However, it should also be appreciated that these pillars intersect in ways that support a CAS culture of engagement. For example, experiential activities are mentioned throughout all pillars as opportunities to develop students’ competence and career readiness (Student Success) and to connect with the community in mutually beneficial ways (Community Engagement). Research, scholarship, and creative activities are also vehicles for experiential learning that impact learners’ success in and outside of CAS and UAB.

Pillar 1: Student Success

Goal: Provide a state-of-the-art, inclusive academic environment known for excellent teaching and mentoring that will support students’ retention and timely graduation.

Objectives, Activities, and Metrics

Pillar 2: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities

Goal: Support faculty, staff, and students as they conduct impactful research, scholarship, and creative pursuits that reflect interdisciplinary perspectives, enhance quality of life, and improve society. The College is especially well-positioned to excel in research, scholarship, and creative activities across the areas of: Health, Emerging Technology and Society, Inclusive Communities, and the Environment.

Objectives, Activities, and Metrics

Pillar 3: Community Engagement

Goal: Expand community relationships to create meaningful opportunities that produce mutually beneficial outcomes.

Objectives, Activities, and Metrics

Watch a Summary of the Strategic Plan

Download a Summary of the Strategic Plan Opens a PDF.


The College hired the Clarus Consulting Group to develop its 2024-2028 strategic plan. The project was spearheaded by a representative group of leadership, faculty, staff, and students. It began with a formal kickoff meeting in July 2023. The meeting confirmed project objectives and processes and identified some key elements of a successful planning process, including aligning to UAB’s strategic plan and creating opportunities for individuals to have a voice through meaningful participation in the planning process. The kickoff meeting also identified key stakeholders and topics in preparation for the next phase of the process: a stakeholder engagement initiative.

Stakeholder engagement was the centerpiece of the planning process. Stakeholder engagement began at the CAS Chairs’ Retreat in August 2023, where College leadership and chairs across 19 departments engaged in visioning exercises for their respective departments and the College as a whole. Next, Clarus collected insights from key stakeholders through 18 in-depth interviews and four focus groups. Stakeholders included graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni who represented all 19 of the College’s departments and its operations teams. Approximately 80 individuals participated in interviews, focus groups, and/or the visioning session. This comprehensive stakeholder engagement initiative was designed to not only gather valuable insights, but also to ensure support and commitment among those instrumental in plan implementation. Clarus synthesized and analyzed the stakeholder feedback and presented a summary of key findings to the CAS project planning team during a Stakeholder Feedback and Priority Setting Session in October 2023.

The project planning team reconvened in November 2023 for a full-day strategic planning session to develop the strategic plan. The session included reviewing key themes from stakeholder engagement and UAB’s Forging Ahead Strategic Plan, affirming the College’s strategic priorities identified during the feedback session, and developing goals and objectives for each priority area. The outcomes of the session were used to develop a draft strategic plan grid for review by CAS. From there, the College’s leadership team refined the plan and tasked working groups to identify metrics for each pillar. In addition, Dean Kecia M. Thomas presented the plan to department chairs and solicited feedback. Dean Thomas also invited feedback from alumni during an Arts and Sciences Alumni Board meeting on November 7, 2024, as well as from faculty and staff during a CAS Community Meeting on November 15, 2024. Lastly, Dean Thomas distributed the strategic plan to faculty, staff, and students via email and encouraged all who received it to complete an anonymous survey or participate in focus groups to further refine the plan.

After months of engagement and editing, the College delivered the strategic plan to UAB’s Provost, Janet Woodruff-Borden, Ph.D., in December 2024 for final approval. CAS now looks forward to implementing the plan over the next five years.

Contact Us

Do you have additional questions about the strategic plan? Want to learn more about how the College will measure success? You can reach out to us at thecollege@uab.edu, and we will be sure to follow-up with you.