Explore UAB

Are you a high school student exploring a major in music? A current UAB student looking for a double major or a minor? A transfer student interested in switching schools? We invite you to explore what the UAB Department of Music has to offer you.

Study With Us

The department offers a variety of levels of instruction to give you a balanced musical education. You can choose to study:

  • music theory and composition (exploring the materials and techniques employed in music composition)
  • music history and literature (studying the evolution of musical styles in the context of our cultural heritage and identifying certain works that represent the highest levels of artistic achievement)
  • music performance (developing individual musical skills through personal creative involvement)
  • music education (preparing you to teach music at the nursery through high school level)
  • music technology (exploring current developments in computers and their applications to and impact on the creation, presentation, and recording of music), and
  • music therapy (prepare you to use music to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship).

Contact Information

Counselor Contact Information

Parent/Family Information

Education History

High School

Last High School or College Attended

Most recently attended college or university

Major Information

If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

Attributer.io Fields

Offered Programs

Music Major, General

Music Major, Music
Technology Concentration

Music Major, Music Therapy Concentration

Music Major, Instrumental Music
Education Concentration

Music Major, Choral Music Education Concentration

Minor in Music

Minor in Music Technology


Want an in-depth look into how the program works and how to join us? Read the Undergraduate Student Handbook.

Need to schedule an audition? Please complete the online form below.

Department of Music Audition FormOpens an external link.

We invite you to explore the site to learn who we are. Take a look at our courses and what you need to do to graduate.
Get to know our faculty. Ask us questions. Once you're done, we hope to see you in the classroom next semester!