Faculty Excellence

Dr. Catherine Danielou Wins the Prestigious Ordre des Palmes Académiques
French Professor and CAS Senior Associate Dean Catherine Danielou has won the prestigious Ordre des Palmes Académiques from her home country of France.
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UAB Professor Leveraging Social Networks to Help Visually Impaired Children in Bangladesh
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) professor Ragib Hasan, Ph.D., continues to reach out across the world to help children in need.
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Shadow Warrior: John Grimes
John Grimes remembers the days when intelligence was a “four-letter word” on many college campuses. Now, the career military intelligence officer is finding that undergraduates are eager to learn the fundamentals of modern intelligence community tradecraft in a new course that is set to debut in spring 2014.
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UAB Announces Hilton's Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure
David Hilton, Ph.D., has received notification on June 3rd from Dr. Ray L. Watts, President of UAB, on his promotion to associate professor and the award of tenure, in the Department of Physics effective October 1, 2013.
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Professor Examines the Role of Race in Shaping the Republican South
The Republican Party has become an extreme version of itself, says UAB history professor Glenn Feldman, and the South has played a major role in that transformation.
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Dr. Krista Chambless Receives the 2013 Post-Secondary Teacher of Excellence from SCOLT
Dr. Krista Chambless, a professor of Spanish and French at the University of Alabama at Birmingha, received the 2013 Post-Secondary Teacher of Excellence from SCOLT.
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Dr. Carlos Orihuela Recognized at CAS Faculty Author Celebration
Dr. Orihuela was recognized on May 6th for his publication of Valle de entonces in the past year.
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Schwebel Co-authors World Health Organization Road Safety Manual
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) professor David Schwebel, Ph.D., associate dean for the UAB College of Arts and Sciences, is one of 11 contributors worldwide to author the World Health Organization’s (WHO) new manual Pedestrian safety: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners.
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Dr. Lourdes Sánchez López Chosen as a Motivating Women Award Winner
The Motivating Women Awards by the Birmingham International Center were chosen from the nominees submitted by local businesses and organizations. Dr. Sánchez-López was awarded at an April 25th dinner celebration. Congratulations Dr. Sánchez-López!
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Jolly Appointed Professor Emerita in English
The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees named Peggy B. Jolly, as professor emerita in the Department of English at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) during its meeting April 13, 2013.
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Psychology’s Schwebel Wins Ireland Prize for Scholarly Distinction
David Schwebel, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and professor of psychology, has been selected as recipient of the 2013 Caroline P. and Charles W. Ireland Prize for Scholarly Distinction.
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Lewis Pens Book on Conservatism and African Americans
When it comes to being conservative, black people have been mislabeled, according to a new book by UAB professor Angela Lewis.
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President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching goes to Cynthia Ryan
Eleven in the university community were honored with the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, including Cynthia Ryan, associate professor of English. Ryan “stands out among her colleagues for her devotion to students, to the department and to the community,” says her department chair.
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María Jesús Centeno, Learn Spanish by Cooking
María Jesús Centeno, DFLL Instructor of Spanish, has participated in the publication of the book, “El español en la cocina: Aprender español cocinando.”
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Published: "Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes"
Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes is an anthology composed of select peer-reviewed scholarly articles developed from concepts and positions presented and generated at the First International Symposium on Languages for Specific Purposes (ISLSP) celebrated on April 13–14, 2012 at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (United States).
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Steele Named Finalist for Prestigious Book Prize
Brian Steele, Ph.D., associate professor of history in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) College of Arts and Sciences, has been named a finalist for the 2013 George Washington Book Prize.
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Hidden Pictures: GIS Offers New Directions for Data
Sometimes a simple picture can say more than mountains of data — especially if that picture is created from the data itself. Akhlaque Haque, PhD, an associate professor of government at UAB and an expert in the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, learned this lesson in Cleveland.
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Dr. Lourdes Sánchez-López Receives the MHRC Charles Barkley Excellence in Mentoring Award 2012
Dr. Sánchez-López received her award during UAB’s MHRC 10th Anniversary Gala. Dean Palazzo and Associate Dean Rebecca Bach sponsored a table to accompany and support her award.
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Kurata Named Associate Professor Emerita of English
The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees appointed Marilyn J. Kurata, as associate professor emerita in the Department of English during its meeting on Nov. 2, 2012.
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The DFLL Welcomes Three New Faculty Members
The department welcomes Yahui Anita Huang, Lorenzo García-Amaya, and Nicholas Henriksen.
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