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Philosophy majors go on to flourishing career paths in a variety of different fields. The study of philosophy develops crucial transferable job skills — the capacity for reasoning, argumentation, critical analysis, problem solving, and the ability to consider issues from multiple perspectives. Acquiring these skills makes you a creative and nimble thinker, capable of adapting to the ever-changing demands of the contemporary job market and to life in a fast-changing world. In an environment in which most people will have multiple jobs over the span of a lifetime, such skills are, and will continue to be, in demand.

  • Philosophy and Medicine

    Philosophy and Medicine

    Many of our majors go on to study medicine. Philosophy courses can be a welcome addition to, or change of pace from, the many mandatory courses in the hard sciences. Additionally, the new MCAT emphasizes critical analysis and moral reasoning skills, so Philosophy majors are uniquely trained to excel.

  • Philosophy and Law

    Philosophy and Law

    Philosophy provides an excellent preparation for the study of law. In fact, Philosophy majors earn some of the highest scores on the LSAT and have excellent rates of acceptance to law school. We offer a Philosophy & Law Minor as well as many applicable courses such as Philosophy of Law, Ethics, and Social/Political Theory to help students prepare for careers in the legal field.

  • Philosophy and Computer and Informational Technology

    Philosophy and Computer and Informational Technology

    Our emphasis on logical analysis appeals to students who go on to find jobs in Computer and Informational Technology. Top IT employers want candidates who have more to offer than technical skills, and philosophy can provide an edge in the IT job market. Interested students can take courses in Logic, Philosophy of Mind, the Philosophy of Artificial intelligence, and other areas of philosophy.

  • Philosophy and Writing

    Philosophy and Writing

    Some of our students go on to find careers which involve editing, publishing, or journalism. Philosophy courses facilitate the development of one’s ability to think and write with clarity and precision and thus serve as an excellent foundation for any job related to the printed word. Philosophy majors have gone on to earn advanced degrees in Library Science and Technical Writing.

  • Philosophy and Graduate School

    Philosophy and Graduate School

    Philosophy majors do very well on all graduate admissions exams, including the GRE and the GMAT. There are many professional programs for which Philosophy majors are qualified to apply, and Philosophy majors have gone on to secure advanced degrees in Health Administration, Health Informatics, Public Policy, Public Health and Business Administration. These programs prepare students for administrative and leadership positions. While Philosophy majors find career opportunities in many areas, a small percentage of Philosophy majors go on to study philosophy at the graduate level with the goal of going into academia. If you are interested in such a career path, there are many faculty members who can advise you on how to proceed. Majors who are interested in graduate school in philosophy should contact their professors for further guidance.

  • Additional Opportunities

    Additional Opportunities

    Most of our majors find rewarding careers that are just as varied as their interest and passions. We have alumni who work in the public school system, for the government, for major corporations, for public service organizations, and in many other capacities. Majoring in philosophy provides the sorts of skills that can enable the motivated student to find success. For additional information on philosophy careers both within and outside of an academic setting see the American Philosophical Association’s career resources page.

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