Explore UAB

Dr. Rajibul Islam

I am a computational physicist. My research interest is computational condensed matter physics; main focus is to understand, predict, and engineer the fundamental physical properties of wide classes of quantum materials. I have been using density-functional theory (DFT) and tight-binding (TB) computations to study a wide range of quantum phenomena.

I obtained my doctorate in 2023 from the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFPAN). After completing my PhD, I joined Dr. Fei Xue's lab at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) as a postdoctoral fellow. Currently, I am exploring the interplay between magnetism and topology that leads to exotic quantum mechanical effects such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect, axion electrodynamics, unconventional spin-orbit torques, etc. Understanding these quantum mechanical phenomena is essential for advancing the development of energy-efficient quantum devices for quantum communication and quantum data.

In my spare time, I enjoy both dancing and playing football.

Email: rislam2@uab.edu