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Student Groups

Society of Physics Students (SPS)

SPS Student GroupThe SPS is the professional society for physics students and their mentors. UAB's chapter of the Society of Physics Students seeks to promote the advancement and expansion of physics knowledge by participating in social, academic, and outreach events that benefit the local and academic communities while introducing students to the professional community. This student organization is focused on student engagement and retention and on helping students. Find practical information on what to do with a degree in physics and how to apply for jobs and internships as well as for graduate school.

Our students and faculty advisors encourage and assist other students interested in physics to develop the knowledge, competence, enthusiasm, and social responsibility that are essential to the advancement of physics and for pursuing the 21st century career opportunities available to physics graduates.

Membership is open to all persons interested in physics. Any student, both graduate and undergraduate, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham is recognized as a student member. Any other person interested in being a member of the Society of Physics Students, but is not currently a student, is recognized as a non-student member.

See video of our 2017 Eclipse expedition

The Astronomy Club at UAB

Are you interested in learning about astronomy through social outings with other students? Members of the Astronomy Club at UAB come from a variety of majors including dentistry, sociology, physics, genetics, etc. They all share a love for star gazing and celebrating the night sky. Here are some of the activities the Astronomy Club at UAB participates in on a yearly basis:

  • Observing celestial objects like the Moon and stars through telescopes
  • Astronomy Game Nights
  • Astronomy Movie Nights
  • Guest speakers on astronomy topics
  • Astronomy Crafts
  • Impromptu, unofficial camping trips

We’d love to have you join us! You’re officially a member after joining us for two club meetings during a given year. Club leader elections take place in the spring.